Monday, October 09, 2006

I've been tagged ...

I've been "tagged" for the first time by Jolene.

Tag #1:
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether or not they have words, or even if they are not any good, but they must be songs you are really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your LiveJournal/blog along with your seven songs.

Then tag seven other people to see what they are listening to.

1. Jesus Take The Wheel - Carrie Underwood - the first time I heard this song I was having an especially emotional day. It just hit close to home ... and I cried and cried while listening to it.

2. If Tomorrow Never Comes - Garth Brooks - this is our wedding song ... love it and always will

3. I Will Love You Forever & Ever - Randy Travis - this is such a sweet song. There's one particular verse that goes something like "I'll watch that girl's brown hair turn gray" ... this song soooooooo reminds me of Mike and me.

4. Jesus Loves Me - I sing this to Griffin all the time - this and the next three songs are really the songs I sing most of the time lately. I love singing to Griffin and he likes hearing me sing. Honestly ... I'm an awful singer, but it's reassuring to know that I'm the best singer in the world to an audience of one.

5. Jesus Loves The Little Children - Again G and I sing this together - I really don't think I have the correct words to this one ... so I make it up. Perhaps I should just Google the right words ... ha!

6. If You're Happy & You Know It - Another G & Me Song - he's recently starting clapping in the right places when I sing this.

7. Rockin' Robin - Sung By Mommy - This has ALWAYS been G's favorite song ... it was the one song that I could sing and he would stop crying ... and it still works to this day

Tag #2
Now List 5 weird things you don't know about me:

1. I can not hear out of my right ear ... several years ago I got a cold and it "settled" in my ear ... since then I can't hear out of it. I've gone to the ear specialist for tests and he said there was no medical reason why I couldn't hear ... but the thing is ... I still can't hear out it. So, if you are ever talking to me and I turn slightly to the right putting my left ear closer to you ... you'll know I'm just trying to hear what you are saying.

2. I will drink milk out of a glass only ... and it has to be ICE COLD.

3. I let my ice cream melt slightly before I eat it. Mike and I both do this ... it tastes so much better, creamier, richer flavor. We were actually watching a show the other night ("How It's Made") and the professional ice cream testers at Ben & Jerry's actually said this is the best way to eat ice cream. Who knew we were on to something so trendy without even knowing it. And wow ... wouldn't it be so cool to actually be a professional ice cream taster???

4. So ... on occasion I make myself a salad minus the lettuce. I love salads, but don't always have lettuce on hand ... so everything I would normally put in a salad (cheese, ham/turkey, tomato, olives, etc) goes in the bowl ... I pour dressing over it ... then sprinkle with our crunchy salad topping ... voila ... lettuce-less salad ... yummy!

5. I fall asleep very early ... I'm up so early with Griffin that by the time he goes to bed at 7:30 I'm exhausted. Mike says you can actually see me exhale and relax once Griffin is down for the night. I'm usually asleep on the couch by 9:30. Mike watches TV and then wakes me when he's ready to go to bed. I wish I could stay up later and spend some quality time with my husband. He says I will only stay up later if there is something good on TV. Last night ... I was asleep by 8:00.

Okay ... so I do not know 7 other people to tag ... so I'm tagging those I do know:

Teresa - but she's already been tagged, so she doesn't really have to do it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Missy,
Since getting my new computer, I lost my password to my blog. Anyway, I accept the tag and here are my responses.

Tag #1:
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether or not they have words, or even if they are not any good, but they must be songs you are really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your LiveJournal/blog along with your seven songs.

Then tag seven other people to see what they are listening to.

1. Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Michael McDonald - Whenever I feel the least bit blue I put this song on and it picks me up!

2. Believe - Brooks and Dunn - This song is so inspriational, you just have to listen to the words.

3.Jesus Take The Wheel - Carrie Underwood - I just love this song.

4. My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion- My late husband and I saw Titanic three times at the theater, before it was out on disc. We both loved it and the song.

5.Coming Home - Kenny G - We got married to this song.

6. Because You Loved Me - This was "our song" when we dated. I can't listen to it without crying.

7. Wind Beneath My Wings - This song reminds me of my mother.

Tag #2
Now List 5 weird things you don't know about me:

1. I detest vegetables! The only vegetable I eat is corn on the cob and green beans. The reason I think it's weird is my children LOVE all vegetables. My son used to BEG me to make him "little cabbages" as he called them. What 10 year old do you know that begs for brussel sprouts?

2. I believe in life after death. This belief has given me a better outlook on my life. For years I was afraid to die, so much so that I suffered severe anxiety attacks. After reading Sylvia Browne's books, I'm at peace with myself. It also helps me deal with the death of my Mother and Husband.

3. I still say "Goodnight Honey, I love you" to my husband every night, even though he's been gone 5 years now.

4. I love thunderstorms! Since moving to Tennessee I've seen so many storms and actually look forward to them! I love the lightening, the way it gives a light show.

5. My Mother, Father & Brother are all alcholics. I'm the only one in our family that does not drink. I beat the odds by deciding at a very young age (7) that I was not going to be like my parents and be drunk all the time. To this day I can remember sitting in class at school when my mother brought cupcakes to my class for my birthday. My teacher obviously smelled liquor on my mother's breath, as she told me my mother was drunk. I was so embarrassed and decided then that I would never be drunk in front of my kids, and I never have.
