Griffin up to bat for the first time of the game ...
Daddy giving Griffin a few pointers ...
Touching "home" after hitting the ball for the last game of the season ...
It's trophy time ...
Okay ... so maybe I shouldn't say this but I am going to anyway. When it came time to distribute or "award" the trophies they were just handed out to the kids in the boxes. I'll be honest I was a teeny bit disappointed with this. When Griffin played soccer they made a big deal of calling the kids up and recognizing them with the trophy and we could take a picture. So there ... I said it.
Moving On.
Griffin posing with Daddy and his cool t-ball trophy.
At home after the game with his trophy ... he's so proud of it.
Griffin enjoyed his first t-ball season. It was a good experience all around. He's already asking when he can play again!