Friday, April 24, 2009

The Chair.

I had the honor of going yard selling with the seasoned yard sellers Bonnie & Jerome on Saturday.

I found some cute things and I believe I spent maybe a total of $6.00 ... I'll have to share my finds in another post.

I found this cute old chair for only $1.00 ... I thought Griffin would like it.

Jerome asked if he could keep it for a little bit and make something for Griffin and of course I said YES!

This is the finished chair ... isn't it darling? He painted it John Deere green, put some John Deere stickers on it ... and I think Bonnie painted his name on it. (Bonnie correct me if I'm wrong).

Griffin LOVES it ... it will be a darling addition to his bedroom.

I love that he has this cute chair his aunt and uncle so lovingly made him.



  1. Yes I painted his name on the chair. It was a joint effort between me and Jerome. I just love it. You found some great things and I wish you could go yard saleing with us every week because we got some of the best deals when you were with us. I'm so glad you guys like the chair. I absolutely love it.

  2. WOW!What a fantastic chair for Griffin... he's lucky to have such special people as his Aunt & Uncle.

  3. Very cute!! I would love one of those.

  4. Omy Goodness, it's adorable. Some people are so talented! Great Job

  5. so where does one get John Deere stickers anyway?

  6. That is so awesome and they did a fab job!!!!! I know that G if so happy:))

  7. Aw that's so cute and sweet!

  8. LOVE IT that's so GREAT!!!!

  9. Jerome and Bonnie did a great job on the's so darn cute! My hubby loves his John Deere things...he'd love that cute little chair. Do you know I've never been to a yard sale. Maybe someday I'll give it a go.
