Thursday, April 23, 2009

Downtown Disney: Part Two

We were lucky enough to visit Downtown Disney twice.

This visit was so much fun with
Uncle Jerome and Aunt Bonnie!

Here we find Griffin posing with a statue painted by Rosie O'Donnell. Though we share different political views, I've always been a fan of the "nice" Rosie ... this statue was really neat.

This is the marker on the bottom of the statue showing it was created by Rosie.

Bonnie, Jerome, Griffin and Buzz Lightyear ... "to infinity and beyond"!

Griffin and me with Mr. Potato Head ...

For "lunch" we had a yummy ice cream at the Ghiradelli ice cream shop ... doesn't Bonnie look pretty? I love this picture of her.

Uncle Jerome enjoying his ice cream sundae.

Had to share another picture of this potted plant area with three of my favorite people.

Of course we had to hit a scrapbook store, Scrappy Boutique while we were in Orlando. They had some cute things I've never seen before. The boys sat on a bench outside while Bonnie and I shopped.

We had such a GREAT day ... thanks Bonnie and Jerome for making it fun!



  1. We had alot of fun that day, too. It's always fun to go to Downtown Disney. And the ice cream is always sooooooo good. I love that picture of Jerome and Griffin on the bench.

  2. These are so cute, I know ya'll had such a great time!

  3. I love the pics of Bonnnie and Hut..and the pic of Hut and G is awesome I wanna see them on a SB page::))pretty please.....

  4. Thanks for sharing your pictures of Bonnie and Jerome. Bonnie does look do you btw!
    I'm getting excited about our move to Florida...looks like there will plenty of places to go and see.

  5. Great pictures Missy...that really is a cute one of Bonnie. She should use it for her facebook profile shot.

    What's the name of the place in Downtown Disney where you got the sundae's? Gene's cousins are coming for a visit and it would be fun to take them there.
