Saturday, April 25, 2009

We Are Home.

We arrived home from our two week Florida vacation about 11:00 last night.

We had SO much fun while we were there.

Between spending alot of time with family, enjoying the sunshine and visiting Disney World ... it was just awesome!

Mike and our friends Fred & Judy also flew out to their Texas farm for a few days for some turkey hunting.

I have lots and lots of pictures I will be sharing ... so get ready!

Today Griffin has his final soccer game ... he's looking forward to it. He's been out of school for three weeks and he's SO ready to go back on Tuesday. First he had a week off for spring break and then our two week vacation.

We enjoyed our vacation ... but we are happy to be home!


  1. Testing to see if I receive comment email notices.

  2. It is always great to be home.I am glad you had a great time. I can't wait to see the pictures. I am just now caught up from my Virginia trip post. Take your time.

  3. Glad you made it home. You guys made good time. Can't wait to see all your pics since I really didn't take any.

  4. I'm so glad you had a fun vacation Missy and thank you for taking the time to stop by and see me. That was so thoughtful of you and I loved getting to visit for a bit and of course seeing both you and that cute little Griffin.

    Be sure and stop by Janna's blog...I'm going to be a great aunt!

  5. Welcome Home! It's fun to get away...but then it's always good to get home. I have two more days here in Washington before I leave. Weather permiting we will visit NW Trek today.
