Sunday, February 22, 2009

Should We Or Shouldn't We?

We went down to our neighbors house to visit with their new Great Pyreenes puppies.

I am sooooo, sooooo torn ... I would love to bring one home with us.

Mike says it's up to me.

After viewing this video ... what do you think?


  1. those are some cute puppies!!! i think every home should have at least one dog... of the four legged variety, i mean ;! i say go for it!!!

  2. OMG!! You HAVE to get that puppy for Griffin!!!
    I laughed out loud and Becky came in to see what was so I showed her. She says "get the puppy". That video is just too precious...thanks for sharing. I'm starting the day out with a smile thanks to you.

  3. Oh my goodness! I absolutely LOVE that breed! They are wonderful dogs! Of course you know how much I adore doggies so i would always vote YES!!! I am betting Griffin would LOVE it!


  4. Oh Missy, that video is so cute and so is that little boy with the puppy! Now, I oculd let you keep Bully for a couple of might swear you off dogs for good! Just know we love our Bully.

    Now, how in the world did you create that great facebook icon with your picture?

  5. Every boy needs a dog!! That one is too cute!

  6. Anonymous12:29 PM

    love grandma

  7. Anonymous12:30 PM

    What a wonderful treat; to hear my grandson laughing first thing in the morning.

    Love yea Grandma (G.Ma or Miss Grandma)

  8. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Cute puppy..just keep the clothes put up =)

  9. You know my vote "Take It Home" Griffin needs a doggie to love and it would free up some time for Mommy too:)Every Dog Needs A BOY!

  10. I'm with Judi. Every boy needs a dog. They're such a great companion to grow up with!

  11. YOU SHOULD YOU SHOULD!! That is the cutest thing!

  12. another vote for YES! that vid is soooo cute!!! reminds me of those coppertone suntain billboards. :)

  13. Today is a very big day in the Where’s Wenda? Contest. I am visiting all of the SITS followers. Can I do it? There are around 1000 followers. Oh my! Better grab my cup of coffee and get on my way. Be sure to visit Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha and Three Bay B Chicks as part of your contest entry.


  14. I say get the boy the puppy. I didn't see this until this morning, but I laughed my butt off. Of course you know how much I love dogs.

  15. I definitely love animals, and you're right, this video is so cute. I think every child needs a pet, teaches responsibility, etc.

  16. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Read all the comments about getting the dog. I also think he should have a pet; but be sure that is the breed you want. Since they do get really large and will outgrow Griffin in no time. Remember he has to go everywhere you do; chewing, pooping potty training etc. Yes Griffin needs a pup and Mom will have a lot more responsiblity when that decision is made.

  17. Anonymous9:26 AM

    did that puppy take G's pants off? that was cute.

  18. hey Im finally back on line and trying to catch up on all the postings of those I follow. In this particual post, I suspect you have already decided to get a dog, and are fishing for others to tell ya its okay----HEY!!----Pick one YOU like, as it will be YOU mostly that will be taking care of it----the "Grif" will like it no matter waht breed.

  19. Sooooooo cute. Is it time for a fur baby in the house? :)
