Monday, February 23, 2009

Down On The Farm.

As I mentioned in my previous video blog post, Griffin and I were invited down to Mike and Becky's farm on Saturday to meet their new Great Pyreenes puppies.

We love going down to the farm ... Griffin always has such a good time.

Here we find Brandon and Griffin running with the puppies.

They have at least four turkeys. This one was so funny ... he kept puffing up and prancing when we were nearby.

The baby goats were only 4 hours only ... yes I said hours. They were soooo adorable. The little brown one was already walking. The little white one wasn't walking yet when I took this picture. He did get on his feet before we left though.

If you truly know Griffin ... well ... you know how much he LOVES to chase chickens. Becky teased me that I needed to get Griffin a couple of roosters to keep him busy.

In the video blog ... this is where the puppy fun began. He started pulling down Griffin's sweat pants. What's a Mommy to do? I video taped it of course!

Ms. Becky is letting Griffin hold a sweet bunny ... they have so many different varieties and colors. They are just beautiful.

The bunny is only about 3 days old. While we were there they removed him from his nest for the first time. His eyes were still closed.

Taking a little break ... watching Mr. Mike cut up some red cedar wood for their fireplace.

We always have the BEST time when we go down to the farm. Becky was teasing me if Griffin disappears I'll know where to find him (down at the farm).

I hope everyone has a great day!


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I love farms,but what i have to know is did getting the dog win?

  2. You sure did bring back some of my childhood memories of going to visit my grandparents on their farm. I'm sure Griffin will always remember the days he spent playing on the farm. The good ole days!

  3. That looks like so much fun. I would so love to live near you guys, you have all the fun. And I'm with Griffin getting a puppy?????

  4. How fun is that!! Can I go next time.

  5. Oh what fun!! I would have loved being there and seeing Griffin in these photos, with all the animals, just made me smile! G getting that puppy???


  6. I am so addicted to farms...

    Thanks for adding me! I look forward to visiting with you and your adorable blog.

  7. WELL! Did you or didn't you???
    Inquiring minds want to know, don't keep us in suspense!

  8. I will echo everyone else...did he get the dog? Knowing you...I bet he did!!
    Love the farm pictures, the bunny was so adorable and the goats too.
    After you bring the puppy home, you need to have all your blog buddies pick names and ya'll can decide which one you like the best!

  9. I love farms too!!
    But.....Is G the proud owner of the cutest puppy ever??????????

  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    so sweet, I love the goats. Too cute.

  11. I say DO IT! The memories I have of our family pets are so wonderful and I think having pets gives children confidence if they play a role in the care. We absolutely LOVE our Australian Shepherd. He's so smart and so good with kids...if you wanted another breed to consider.

    P.S. That baby bunny is PRECIOUS!
