Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Big Decision.

Okay ... Okay ... I hear you ... you want an answer.

Ever since our dear, sweet Wyatt crossed the rainbow bridge in August 2006 I have longed for another pet. There's just something about the unconditional love that a pet gives that fits in with who I am.

I became this little guy's Mommy in May 1995 ... he was part of our family for 11 years. Sadly he died when Griffin was only a year and a half old. Every once in awhile Griffin mentions Wyatt. It surprises me that he remembers him. Wyatt was such a good dog ... he will always be part of our family.

I think that's why I'm having such a hard time making this decision.

If the truth be told ... when it's time for us to get another dog ... I think I truly want another dalmatian.

Though the
Great Pyreenes breed is a wonderful choice for our family. After doing my fair share of research I've discovered they are wonderful animals. They are protectors and are great with children.

This is a picture of Griffin with the mother, Nalah. See how big they get? I read where they can grow up to 40" tall. I am only 60" tall myself (5 feet for those of you trying to do the math, lol!)

But ... I'm still having a hard time with this decision. It's a decision not to be taken lightly. I have to think about the size, the shedding, the responsibility, the inability to travel with Mike. The love, the unconditional love.


I truly think this sweet puppy would fit right in with our family ... just as Griffin is fitting in with their family here.

And look ... right now he's just the right size.

Is it wrong that I've been thinking of names, too?

Webster, Winston, Fred, George, Hartley, Simon, Seth, Sampson ... those are just a few I've thought of.

Hartley is a favorite.

So the answer is ... I don't know, yet.

I'm still thinking about it.

I will let you know as soon as I do ...


  1. oh they look like such sweet teddy bear dogs!!! i can see why you'd be hesitant about the shedding. i LOVE my puppies and i doubt i will ever be without two puppies at a time again...you are so right - there is nothing like the unconditional love of an animal...

  2. I know it's a tough decision. Especially because you guys to travel with Mike sometimes. At least you are thinking about all aspects of the responsibilities and not just the cuteness. You will make the right decision when the time comes. And even if you don't get one of these great puppies, Griffin can enjoy them on his visits to the farm.

  3. Gosh, You are so right I got caught up in the cuteness of the little guys..It is really hard when we travel because we have Paris the Chihuahua which we take with us and have to pay extra $$$ for a pet friendly room. And then there is Daisy (70 lbs) my rescued mix doggie has to be put up at the Kennel which again is pricey.I wouldn't change any of my decisions because my 2 dogs really needed good homes.So you are a smart chick to weight out all of the aspects of being a doggie owner.I wish you luck with your decision and I promise no more pressure from me::))

  4. My ex-fiance's family had a Newfoundland, which is of the same family. Nick (dog) could not come down the stairs without knocking us down. He was labeled a "gentle giant" and for sure he was, the most loving dog ever and slobbered everywhere. Just make sure you have a house big enough to accommodate such a large doggie. I have to say, those puppies are WAY cute!!!

  5. Oh my! I didn't realize that breed could get so big! You do have a tough decision! I'm sure your decision is harder too because of the fact that your Wyatt was such a great dog. Good luck!

  6. Sounds like it's in the bag!!!!

    Your dalmation was beautiful! I lost my long time pet when Mark was about 3. It's very hard to get another
    Take your time, we will be patient

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I am sorry you are having a hard time. I will tell you this.I had a certain breed and it got killed.I went back and got another ,but the void wasn't filled. Even though it was the same breed it was nothing like the one that passed away.
    I say go with something new and give it all that love you gave stored inside.I will say something else at times I felt guilty for loving another pet,but it is true they need and love you unconditional.

  8. Missy it is good to give it some thought. You do have a dog for a long time. You will make thr right decision. I say change it up though don't get the same kind of dog.

  9. I agree with Brenda's comment. Sometimes it's good to get a new breed, because even though you don't mean to, you'll compare another Dalmatian to Wyatt. When the time is right for you to make the decision, you'll know it...take your time.

  10. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Hi Missy,
    Hannah, Sara and I are at the library and checked out your blog. We all think that you need that puppy!!

  11. Anonymous9:25 AM

    are they shedders? I mean obvioiusly they have lots of hair but if you brush them, maybe that prevents shedding. Beautiful dogs and I have to say I giggled when you "did the math" of inches, LOL. Go with your heart, get the dog!

  12. "Hartley" sounds like a most original name for a dog, but it occurs to me, that the name you give whatever dog you get, should kind of reflect the breed, or the makeup of the dog. and I agree with the comments above, about not getting the same breed of dog as your earlier one----the new dog could never match the memories you have of him.

  13. I think you're wise to keep thinking about it Missy. Before getting Bully we came and went as we pleased and Bully changed that completely...it was almost like having a small child to think about...you couldn't just go off and leave them.

    Wyatt was such a special member of your family and so handsome. That's a great picture.
