Sunday, January 04, 2009

Got Mud?

Although the day originally started out pretty cold, after lunch it warmed up ... so it was time to take our cooped up in the house 3-year-old sweetie outside for some serious playtime.

Mike was working on our porch addition ... he's so wonderful at constructing this beauty. I can hardly wait until it's completed. Thank you sweetheart for everything you do for us.

Of course ... wherever Daddy is ... Griffin wants to be. And of course that is where the mud was too.

He was muddy from head to toe ... here we find Griffin doing the muddy-man-shuffle.

He was filling his dump truck up with mud and small pieces of wood, moving them all over the yard and constructing fabulous new "houses".

A back view ... LOL ... the mud was everywhere!

It was time to add some leaves to the muddy, woody Griffin construction zone!

Both Mike and I grew up in the country ... we know how important it is for our little one to be able to experience all the goodness of being outside and getting DIRTY!

He's TRULY a country boy!


  1. The dirtier they get the more fun they are having! LOL

    It is suppose to rain here today, hope it's sunny your way

  2. Great shots. Yes boys will be boys. Reminds me of a poem my daughter and her dad loved.
    "I like mud!
    I like it my toes.
    I like it up my nose.
    I like mud!"

    Us small towners have to stick together, don't we Missy.

  3. hey there - thanks for stopping by and leaving happy thoughts for my book! i appreciate your visit and you sure do have one cutie of a son!!! i will be back again :) have a happy sunday!

  4. He is a true boy!!

  5. I love it!!!

    I let Corey play in the mud and in the rain (when it's warm) and sometimes I feel like people look at me like I'm crazy but I think it's those times that are some of his best memories!

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    What fun for the little man. My Rian loved the dirt too.

  7. With my boy it's the dirtier the better::)) So I can relate they have to have dirt to grow up correctly..Boy All Boy!!!hehe

  8. Wow... the house is really coming along.... Mike does great work.... Oh and little g looks like he's having a blast..... Love the Butt shot.... too cute...T

  9. Your porch looks great! That should be really nice when it's done. And as for the mud, my girls would fit right in! Looks like fun!

  10. Stopping by from SITS - great pictures! I thought having a daughter would let me avoid all the mud and dirt...boy was I wrong! LOL!! As long as she's having fun! ;)

  11. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Looks like he had so much fun!

  12. I love the butt shot too. If Griffin is like most boys, the muddier and dirtier, the more fun they're having!

  13. I am so glad you let "G" be a boy. You know how much my two got dirty....but hey they're boys. The pictures are great. And I love the new's gonna be spectacular when Mike gets done. I can believe how fast it's going up with him doing it by yourself. You definitely got lucky girl,

  14. at least he had a truck to work with----might have got the job done if it hadn't been for the nagging mom insisting on taking pics---(lol)

  15. What fun he's having!!! A little mud and dirt never hurt anybody!

    Missy, your house looks huge!!! How big is your addition? I know you'll love that porch. It's so nice that Mike knows how to build things.

  16. Anonymous8:48 PM

    my SIL theory is this....if at the end of the day the kids aren't filthy than it wasn't a good day for them! Love the mud on the butt!

    Your husband does very nice work, I'm envious!

  17. Boys and mud just go hand in hand...: )

    Looks like fun to me too!

    I love your new banner Missy!

