Saturday, January 03, 2009


As most everyone knows by now ... my two sweet boys bring the most happiness and joy to my life ...

But how about a couple of "things" that brought me joy yesterday?

I was tickled to find the newest issue of "Cooking With Paula Deen" in my mailbox yesterday. I can't wait to be able to sit down and read it cover to cover.

Another thing that brought me happiness yesterday ... tearing some bears!

Woo Hoo ... I'm so excited. I finished up two custom orders (Janet & Bonnie they are on the way on Monday!) and now I'm ready to create some unique, one-of-a-kind tear bear paper piecings. That is just joy in itself.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I hope you find something yummy from Paula's mag and share with all of us!

    Have a great day!

  2. Happy SITS-day
    I am declaring this the year of the blogger
    so join in on faithful blogging
    i see you have a beautiful set of guys to be happy with
    and your give away
    woot i will be checking it out
    neat lil business you have going too
    your one creative SITS-er

  3. Hallo from SITS! :)

    Your piercings are gorgeous! Good luck on your 1-post-per-day! :)

  4. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Your son is adorable and your other creations are great too. I am totally uncrafty/creative so I really enjoy seeing what other people can do.

  5. I KNOW how happy those two boys make you. And of course, Paula Deen. I know you will find something spectacular to make from her. Have fun with your tear bears. I love the snow one...thinking about bidding on it.

  6. I love Paula Deen..just made her green bean recipe yesterday!

    Have a great weekeend!
    -sandy toes

  7. I love Paula Deen! I got to visit her restaurant 3 years ago and met her sons! It was lots of good food and fun!

    I wandered over to your blog from SITS.

  8. Lynette whats SITS-day. I love Paula. I hope you like the magazine.

  9. Hi Missy! Happy New Year! I've been under the weather and haven't gotten around to visit my blog buddies.

    Yes, New Year's Day is our wedding anniversary. This year was our answer to your question.

    Hmm...I haven't got my Paula Deen magazine yet but will look forward to that issue.

    I sent you an email about a Valentine Owl I would like to get made for a scrapbook that says "Owl Will Always Love You". Can you create me one and I will buy it for my scrapbook Valentine?

    Hugs, Andi

  10. Hey Girl,
    We have very similiar things that bring us happiness I love Paula and her home cookin' and I definately love my 2 boys to pieces and I do love to create scrappy goodness and I am also working on some pieces for that little endeavor we were talking about on the phone last week.I like the idea Andi came up with and you know that owls are hot right now in the scrappin' world some make some extras::))
    I will call ya this week when I get my boy back in school and settled::))
