Monday, January 05, 2009

A Good Read.

I took some time to read a very good book yesterday ...

The Christmas Sweater a novel by Glenn Beck. It was wonderful. Not only was it inspirational, it really makes you think about what's truly important to you. It's a book I highly recommend! It's an easy read, I think it probably took me a total of three hours to read it. If you have read "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" and you liked it ... I can almost assure you will also enjoy "The Christmas Sweater".

Thought I would include a picture of Griffin on Fort Griffin yesterday. Once again it was warm enough to go outside and play as long as we bundled up.

And this is a picture I took of the late afternoon sky yesterday ... I thought it was pretty with the trees almost looking black, the sky so blue and the white clouds.

And just a reminder ... don't forget to visit my little Vera Bradley bloggy give-a-way. You can find out how by clicking on the link at the top right of my blog.

Happy Monday!


  1. That book looks interesting. Right now I'm on book 2 of the Christmas Chronicles by Jeff Guinn. I always love pictures of Griffin and the sky is beautiful. I always like "sky shots". I've tried to take some and sometimes the camera just doesn't do it justice.

  2. what a cutie!! fort griffin is very aptly named!!!! one of my characters in my last trilogy is griffin, come to think of it! (he is a pivotal character, too, actually) beautiful photos... i have so many books to read i will have to put this one on the list for NEXT christmas!!!!

  3. I'll have to check that out. I LOL at his last book....if you haven't read it, I am happy to loan it;-)

  4. What a neat fort for Griffin to play on! I love the picture of the tree line with the clouds too. You've got a great eye for photography!

  5. "Fort Griffin" is looking good. The Griff looks good in it.

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I bought this book for my sister for Christmas, I'll have to borrow it!

  7. I saw this book in Barnes & Noble and thought about getting it. I'll have to add it to my list of reading material.

    Cute picture of Griffin on the Fort!

  8. Griffin is a cutie as always and I am loving his fort. I love to take pics of the beautiful sky all time time sometimes I catch a small plane flying low because we live near a fly-in community::))

  9. I wondered about this book! So glad to hear that it was a good read.
    I enjoy him a great deal.
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. I will have to read that book. I love to read.

  11. Anonymous8:47 PM

    that is a nice picture Missy.

    I have that one book about the people you meet, just haven't read it yet.

  12. That's the same playground my poor husband is trying to put up by himself...can't wait until it's finished! My son keeps calling it a tree house...I think because he watches little bear on TV :)
