Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kickball, Anyone?

We've been spending as much time outside as possible, while the weather is still warm enough to be out there.

Mike has been working on our porch ... I will share pictures of that soon.

Griffin and I enjoy playing kickball together ... it's really great exercise and I enjoy hearing his giggles and seeing him smile when we do this together.

He's always going after the ball ... it's always "his turn" ... LOL.

Remember this gorgeous picture I shared the other day?

Well, Mother Nature has decided it's time to change for the winter ... this is a picture of the exact same area, just one week apart.


  1. I noticed last week that our flowering pear tree was so orange and burgundy, it looked like it was on fire. So I decided on my way home yesterday that I needed to take a picture of it. I pulled in the driveway and noticed half the leaves were gone...I missed my opportunity!

    I hope I will be active when Mason gets to running around and maybe I can lose some weight playing with him...lol

  2. You can tell Griffin is having such a good time. I love being outdoors. And isn't it amazing what a week's time will do to Mother Nature?

  3. Looks like you are having a great time! Enjoy while you can.... Looks like winter is not to far behind. :( Missy, I like the new hair cut too! I got mine cut too! And a new color! I took pictures of it, will post soon. Can't seem to style it the same as my beautician. (BUMMER!)

  4. Wow. My mum was admiring your pictures of those trees just a few days ago. Love the comparison!

  5. I was sitting in line at Cole's school today and noticed the most beautiful tree with leaves that had turned to a burgandy/purple color and realized that Fall is finally here for us.Cole loves to play kick ball with the neighbor kids.Griffin is having a blast::))

  6. Anonymous8:44 PM

    wish I had a yard for my kids to run free in! your husband likes to be busy....so lucky he's handy Missy :)
