Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese

Yesterday we attended a fundraiser at Chuck E. Cheese sponsored by our local elementary school ...

Here you find Griffin dunking ducks ...

Driving a car ...

Driving another car ...

Riding the clock tower ...

... and going up, up and away in a beautiful balloon!!

We had a great time ... thank you Colleen for inviting us!

I'm going to share something that some folks might find embarrassing ... so if reading about my visit to the "female" doctor might embarrass you ... STOP READING!

I had to go for my annual visit yesterday. I always get worked up and nervous, and I just plain do not want to go. It's so unpleasant and just the thought of the regular female exam gives me a stomach ache.

Much to my surprise, I found out yesterday during my regular routine female exam, that after the age of 40 you have to have another exam that is WAY more uncomfortable ... let's just say, this is the way they check your stool for blood to rule out colon cancer. I was not prepared for this, I didn't know it was coming. After he did it, it literally made me sick to my stomach, woozy and I almost passed out. I wish I had known ... that's why I'm sharing it in "code" here. I think you get the gist of the exam here. I have alot of friends that turned 40 or 41 this year ... so I feel it my responsibility to let you know this exam is coming. Something no one bothered to share with me.

Prepare yourself, my female friends.


  1. Griffin is a busy little boy!

    I know the "new" exam was not pleasant, but it could possibly save your life. The best gift you can give Griffin is for you to know you are healthy. My Mama was diagnosed with colon cancer unexpectantly back in 2003. She went through treatment and was supposedly in remission and then we found out in June of 05 that it had returned and spread to her stomach. She died within 3 months of finding out at the age of 55. So, it is better to be safe than sorry, even though I know how embarrassing and uncomfortable it was.

  2. Thanks for the warning..I have 4 years to prepare!

    I hate any kind of female exams..I get nervous..stomach ache..just like you. But I guess you read about my recent exam..not pleasant!

    For a minute there..I thought you were going to announce that you were pregnant..I was getting so excited!!! I hope your "booty" is well this morning *smirk*

  3. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

    I'm Turning 40 in May so WOW, another thing NOT to look forward to. :( Not only do I have to be squeezed for the first time, now this..... WHATS NEXT! Getting old SUCKS!!!!

    Thanks for the warning.... Maybe I'll have to drink a glass of wine before going. HAHAHAHA.... NOT!


  4. OMG Missy I thought it was normal I have had those exams forever my first gyn. at age 21 did those exams and when I started using a different one several yaers ago that was the norm for that exam to..hmmmmm...I knew it was to check for colon cancer I guess that I have had early detection for years and I just thought it was normal and I am one of your 41 year old friends?????
    Anyway it still sucks I can so realte!!!Sorry you had a surprise at the Dr. this week but it also is a great piece of mind to know that you are okay::))

  5. I agree with Mandy. They should have told you what they were going to do. I wouldn't have been that bad if you would have been prepared.

  6. Well ladies, I'm 47 and I haven't ever had one of "those" exams. I get the female ones every year, but no surprises. After some of the comments, though, maybe I should ask for one. Thanks for the info, no matter how unpleasant.

  7. So sorry for your discomfort Missy...but as others have said, it is best to safe than sorry. There are things I've found out since I turned 40 that I wish my mother would have told me. Like when you cough things tend to "leak"
    As I've said many times...gettin old ain't for

  8. Griffin looks so cute! Love his facial expressions!!!

    Okay...I'm 58 and have had all my female plumbing removed...actually I believe I'm probably hollow inside and can't for the life of me figue out why I'm not skinny!!! Anyway...I'm certain I've never had whatever kind of exam you had unless it was done while I was unconscious...hmmm.

  9. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Chuck E. Cheese near me needs to get with the times! You've got way cooler things than me!

    Yes, the rectal exam....and men get them too to examine their prostates. I had that exam when I was having troubles back in 07, remember me blogging about it? It's uncomfortable!
