Monday, November 10, 2008

Good Morning.

We had a nice layed back kind of weekend.

After we went to get wood on Saturday, Mike went to an EAA (Experimental Aircraft) BBQ & meeting. Griffin and I went to two craft shows in our little town. One was hosted by the local Art Guild and the other one was at the firestation.

I enjoy going to the local craft shows. Not only do we get to see people we know, we also get to support local artists. We had a good time.

While there, we saw our friends Kristen, Patrick and Matthew. At the firestation the boys enjoyed checking out the different firetrucks.

Cute boys ... Griffin & Patrick ... and big red trucks!

It's great the local fire department lets the kids be so hands on ...

After the craft shows I decided we should go get some canned good for Griffin's preschool. They are having a canned food drive and I keep forgetting to pick up canned goods for it. I went into Food Lion, but literally one can of Food Lion brand green beans was $1.25. I thought, wow we can get so much more if we go to Walmart. So, that's what we did. Griffin chose a great selection of canned goods and then we came home.

Mike was called away on an unexpected trip to Chicago. He left early Sunday morning and was able to get back home last night. I couldn't believe he actually made it to Chicago, did the job and was back home in less than a day. I'm just glad he didn't have to stay overnight.

I would also like to wish my dear blogging friend Wendy a happy birthday!

And finally ... I thought I would share one of my newest creations ...

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I was inspired to make these little turkey tags. I have to admit, they took a really LONG time to make. I had to punch out and piece together each of the turkeys ... I'm not sure that I will be making any more of these.

If interested you can find them


  1. Griffin is going to be so well rounded when he grows up...he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty (like with Daddy) and enjoys crafty things (like with Mommy). Ya'll are always up to something and keeping him entertained.

  2. I have to agree with Mandy. Griffin is such a lucky child to be able to do so much. You guys did have a busy, busy weekend. And I am so glad Mike didn't have to be gone overnight either. I know you were a little heartbroken when he got called to Chicago. And I love the Turkey. Gotta have one, lol.

  3. Dammit--I meant to go! I am so glad it was such a nice time.;-)

  4. Love the fire trucks, turkeys and griffins hair. Has he had a hair cute? Why is it so shiny? I'm very jealous.
    Good thing about Mike not having to stay overnight--

  5. Boys and a big red fire turck...what a combination! Adorable pictures...adorable boys!

  6. Anonymous8:45 PM

    cute turkey....have you ever made a cornicopia? that'd be tricky!

    i got palpitations when i saw those firetrucks on your blog. i'm afraid of them, firemen and fire!
