Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Proximade Award

I've had the honor of receiving a wonderful blog award from my dear blogging friend Gary otherwise known to some as "Old Dude".

This is the "Proximade Award" ...

I'll offer an explanation of the "Proximade Award" in Gary's words ... that really just means I copied and pasted what he had on his blog to mine.

The nature of these awards frequently, is such, that one is requested to pass them on to others we deem worthy of receiving them , in the case of the "Proximade" award, I am expected to pass it on to five worthy souls. I will reference these good people below.

First allow me to give you some explanation of the purpose of the "Proximade"----one creates one's blog and one makes posts to it---over the course of time, one receives comments and develops regular readers, and via reading each others pages and exchanging comments one grows "closer" to these people, ---so via blogging one moves into closer proximity to some individuals than one might not otherwise have come into contact with----and acknowledging this "friendship", this proximity---one earns a "proximade".

So ... with that in mind ... I've decided to award this to people I would have never met without blogging.

I hereby award the following people the "Proximade Award", and request that they in turn pass it on to five other worthy readers of their blog.


There are sooooo many others I would like to share this with ... but the rule was just five. And I did not choose anyone that I know in "real" life ... only those that I've come to know through blogging.


  1. Thank you I am honored to be your friend and I accept this award with a Big Smile!

  2. Congrats to all of you WINNERS. Knowing Missy like I do, I know that only choosing 5 was a really tough choice for her.

  3. Thanks for the honor. You are a good blog friend. I do hope I can hold up my end of the bargain.

  4. Spanish huh - this ward has been all over!
    Well done! x

  5. Thanks!What an honor!! How did I miss this post?I will post it to my blog!!Thanks so very much you are the sweetest!!!

  6. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I just grabbed my tissues and wiped my eyes :(
