Thursday, November 13, 2008

Paula Deen Cookbook Give-A-Way!

Ya'll know how much I Paula Deen ...

Short Pump Preppy has a Paula Deen Cookbook Give-A-Way going on over at her blog right now ... and it's signed by Paula and Michael!!

If you are interested in winning it ... just click on the following image.

Short Pump Preppy

I would love, love, triple LOVE to win this book ya'll!!


  1. OMG!
    I gotta go enter!

  2. I entered...if I win it's yours!

  3. Not a Paula fan, but I'll enter and if I win you know it's yours, cause I know you love, love, TRIPLE love Paula Deen.

  4. I'm confused. I went to her blog and read the instructions a few times and still not sure what I need to do to enter?!

    Maybe I'll look again 2morrow ;-(
    Paula is really cool!
