Thursday, October 02, 2008

Whoooooo ???

I'm feeling relieved ... I finally have all of my orders completed AND shipped. I feel much better knowing my scrapbooking friends will all soon have their custom paper piecings in their hands.

I know in my heart making one-of-a-kind paper piecings is what I'm best at. I can be creative and work when I can ... I really have to remember that.

I need to focus on what I love doing.

With that in mind ... look what I made yesterday!

This is a brand new original design ... a Missy Made It Original!

If you are interested in this item you can click
here for more information.

I wanted to clarify something about a post I made a couple of days ago ... this is what I wrote:

"I'm getting really excited about a couple of things that I plan to announce here on my blog in the next couple of weeks ... so make sure to visit often for some fun new announcements, freebies and other stuff!"

First ... NO ... I am not pregnant. So many of you asked that. It would be a sweet thing, but the answer is NO!

What I was announcing was you will see many more fun freebies (like the owl give-a-way) and more new original paper piecings. You guys had me laughing out loud with the questions.

Hope you have a great Thursday!


  1. I have to admit the "pregnant" thing did pop into my mind, but then I thought, "She'd call me to tell me that." So I did think it had something to do with your paper piecings or a giveaway, because that's what you do. If more people were like you, Missy, the world would be a better place.

  2. Well crud, I was kind of excited, lol! You need to yearbookyourself :)

  3. I thought of it...but didn't want to ask. lol Figured you tell us in your own sweet way. Love the owl! I do miss being creative with my paper piecings so I just enjoy yours.

  4. I love you hootie owl and I am watching for your announcement:))

  5. oh great, ---you work your fingers to the bone appeasing and catering to yoru "scrapbooking" friends, the rest of us guess we just have to be grateful for the odd here's a pic of Griffen posting and have to make do with that---(sigh)---I still have no idea what paper piercing is (paper you pierce, and this does what for the piercer?)

  6. Your owl is adorable. Have you ever thought of opening up an etsy shop online?

  7. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I honestly thought that was the 1st thing you had to tell us.
    How did you get those hearts on either side of the word LOVE? I'm loving it!

    Cute owl :)

  8. Okay...I didn't ask but I thought it too...the pregnant thing! Hey...remember Shawna Priester...she's preggers for the first time at it can happen!

    I LOVE this little owl..I actually just bid on it...hope I win! I'm going to do a post on my new owl painting this weekend. You'll have to check it out.
