Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Read "Owl" About It Give-A-Way!

With all that's going on in the world ... I thought it was time to bring a little "joy" back and have a give-a-way!

I was walking around Target the other day and I spotted these owl kitchen items. As soon a I saw them I thought they would make a GREAT give-a-way ... as owls seem to be all the rage these days.

So with that in mind ... look what I have to give-a-way to one lucky person.

Give-a-way includes the following:

* Debbie Mumm "Old Fashioned Cookie Recipe" Cookbook

* Enchanted Autumn Whoo? Owl Stickers

* Three sets of fall inspired stamps

* Adorable Owl pot holder and matching dish towel

* Two matching Owl kitchen towels

Now ... you may be wondering ... HOW DO I ENTER?

That's easy ... just leave a comment in the comments section on THIS post to be registered to win. Your comment should be related to "what is bringing you joy right now".

And here's another little bonus ... if someone comes and leaves a comment and said "so and so sent me" then not only will the commentor be registered to win, the person that sent them will get another chance to win. Does that make sense? Let me see if I can clarify:

Say Abby visits my blog and sees the give-a-way opportunity and she leaves a comment. She's registered once for the drawing. But, then if she posts the give-a-way link on her blog and ten people visit, choose to leave a comment and mention that Abby sent them, Abby would then have ELEVEN entries ... and those that told me that Abby sent them would be entered to win as well. Is that clear as mud? I'll wait to see if that's too confusing and may have to adjust this tidbit of information if I get comments about it being too confusing.

I will accept comment entries for the give-a-way until midnight (ET) on Sunday, October 12th. I will then put every one's name in a hat (possibly multiple times for some) and ONE name will be drawn to receive this cute Owl/Fall inspired give-a-way.
I hope you have fun with this ...


  1. I am loving some owls lately I even bought a sweater that my family thinks is funny and can't believe I am going to wear it.
    I like owls!

  2. What a great idea! Good luck with that, you are such a sweetie.

  3. Hi Missy...what a great giveaway!
    What is bringing joy to my life right now is I am going to visit my Dad in Washington on the 15th of October. It's so wierd how it all happened that I truly think it was meant to be so to speak. Whatever the reason, I'm just thrilled that I will get to see him one more time.
    PS I'm going to email you more details so that this makes a bit more sense.

  4. What makes me happy right now is family....mine are all safe, happy, have food to eat, a roof over their heads. Who could ask for more. Even my long distance family makes me happy except they are too far away to visit very often. Also what makes me happy is the fact that tomorrow in the State Farm cafeteria, they will be serving Cinnamon Buns. They have the best buns, but only serve them on Thursdays. So that's Bill and I's treat for the week.

    And Missy, I do believe everyone will understand about how to get their names in the drawing more. I think you explained that very well.

  5. This is so special! I have an 8 month old son (holy smokes where has time gone!?) and NOTHING brings me more joy now than when he grabs my face and gives me a big old sloppy kiss!

  6. Anonymous8:51 AM

    You are so sweet to do very generous give-aways! The fall weather is bringing me joy these days! I love playing outside with my boys in the leaves!

    Kristen Cooper

  7. wow, sounds like a real "Hoot", good luck (whoooo, whooooo??)

  8. Anonymous2:10 PM

    you always find the cutest stuff. Family brings me joy, seeing my little one wanting to try and stand up without holding on to anything, brings me joy (even though I want her to stay a baby), seeing my 4 (almost 5) year old being so independent on her field trip today brings me joy, seeing my 6 year old reading on her own brings me joy!

    And if I win, i would share the joy with my mother in law because she loves owls and I love cookies and stamping!!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!
    Jen from PA

  9. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Well, to be very honest, the only thing that is bringing me joy these days is the fact my colon has taken a break with me and I am able to control all things below :) Anyone who reads this is going to be like WTH is she talking about....but you know :)

  10. My sweet, sweet Boy brings me joy every day of my life the only problem I have is he is just growing up way to soon!!!
    I will link your special give-a-way on my blog.You are the sweetest girl to give away Hootie Owl stuff you know I love it:))

  11. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Cecile sent me. I have loved owls for as long as I can remember. Too cute and very sweet to buy stuff to give away.

  12. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I'm obsessed with owl jewelry, and it's about time they've moved into my kitchen.

  13. Many things bring me joy these days. Just getting up in the morning and seeing the sun rise. Being on my land gives me joy. My children give me joy every minute of the day. I have the most wonderful husband in the world and that is great joy and comfort. I could go on and on.

  14. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The crispness of the air outside and the earthy colors of the foliage give me joy every time I glance out the window. I love this time of year so much!

  15. Fall is in the air, that's what is bringing me joy right now. Seasons are changing and colors are coming alive, I love this time of year.

  16. Right now, the weather is bringing me lots of joy. Its cool here at the beach and all of the tourist have gone home. This is the best time to live here. Cecile sent me to check out your blog. I love the owls, I have been putting owls on everything. Thanks for a chance to win.

  17. Anonymous1:13 AM

    What gives me joy is staying home with my two boys and all the moments I have to teach them and let them teach me about life. For example, today my 3 1/2 yr old Daxton cracked me up laughing & reminded me how precious the little things really are! This morning I called the doctor to get my 1 1/2 yr old in for YET ANOTHER respitory infection...they could see us in an hour and I am scrambling to get us out the door in time after being gone for two days and home late the night before and as we are leaving he says "Just a minute mommy I need to get something special". Typical mom in a rush I said "Come on Dax we really need to get going". He darted down the hall wearing a way-oversized Veggie Tale concert t-shirt that he slept in and couldn't bear to take off yet, work jeans, cowboy boots and his straw cowboy hat and he's clutching a 5-inch bright red, pillow stuffed alphabet letter "K" from Destry's bucket of alphabet letters he got for his birthday. With the biggest grin he announced "Okay Mommy I ready to go now, I got to get the letter K 'cause you never know when you are going to need a K to make something special!". Suddenly being there 5-10 minutes early to comply with the social etiquette in doctors offices didn't matter as much as the grin on his face and his confidence in knowing he'd be ready to "build a word" should the occasion arise as it does each afternoon on "WORD WORLD"....Robin in Oklahoma

  18. My new camera lens is giving me joy..was able to take a cute picture of my little girl.
    I LOVE owl stuff!!!
    Cecile sent me to your blog!
    I'll post a link on my blog too :)

    debevans @ bellsouth dot net

  19. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Oh happy October 08...that's what gives me joy...after waiting and counting the wake-up's....We have finally reached our vacation month. We are cruising the California coast to the Mexican Riveria, with 47 of our closest family and friends. That should give me something to scrap.

  20. Missy, I'm so full of joy right now thanks to you helping me figure out how to upgrade my blog, it worked and now I have a great new design like yours, although I didn't use yours, I'm hoping this new look gives me more inspiration to blog everyday now instead of 8 times a month! thanks Missy!

  21. Owls are totally the rage right now! That's so funny you mentioned it as I have been seeing owls everywhere and thinking the same thing!

  22. Hi Missy.
    Cecile sent me over. And I am so happy right now with life and my family they are amazing.

  23. 3:30 pm - get off work
    3:40 pm - get home to spend the rest of the day with my loving family
    Ain't that a HOOT!!!!!!

  24. I just have to mention that my sister's last name is HOOT. And she HATES owls, so of course I buy them for her every chance I get, LOL. Thought I'd share that with all you owl fanatics out there.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. First of all..Bonnie sent me..I read about the give-a-way on her blog first.

    What is bringing joy into my life right now: the fact that we own a home and are able to make the payments on many are losing their homes..I am so thankful that my husband has a good job that supports all 5 of us..and of course the fall weather that has suddenly is great!

  27. What a nice giveaway! I love owls.
    What's bringing me joy this second is watching my dog playing with his toy monkey. Overall though, being back at school teaching after a great summer brings me joy!

  28. Missy you are to sweet. Of course I first saw your "give away" on Cecile's blog then came over to leave you some love. I have enjoyed coming out of church this week and listening to a hoot owl that has taken up residence in the neighborhood. It's just a refreshing sound, and the weather has started to cool down too.Just a couple of things that have brought me joy this week. Have a great day.

  29. Cat entered and post about your giveaway so I popped over! MY boys bring me joy everyday. The one thing that is constant joy is my love of Reading. I have a whole laundry list of things bringing me joy. Tonite Great Give a way and tooo generous!

  30. My sons are what are bringing me the most joy! Thank you for the giveaway!

  31. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I love your blog but have never commented before. Im not a blogger, so guess that makes me a lurker. Im thankful that I have almost reached my 6th year being cancer free (ovarian, if there is a good kind to have, this isnt the one) I will continue to see my 8 grandchildren keep on growing.

    Ruth in Canada

  32. Oh my gosh...oh my gosh...I love, love, love those owl things!!! Please enter my name. Now you know I've been reading your blog for ages but I actually read about this give away on your SIL Bonnie's blog.

    I have lots of blog reading to catch up on this weekend since it's been a busy week.

  33. Okay I'm back...can I enter multiple times??? I came this time from Cecile's blog!

  34. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Ok, what makes me happy right now is the leaves changing, the way my youngest son face lights up when he is excited, anytime my oldest son decides he wants to talk to his old mom, and the joy I see in my daughter's eyes when she masters a math problem or new dance move.

  35. Way cute things Missy. Look at all your comments. See how much you are loved! My grandma collected owls so they are special to me too. So cute!

  36. These are so awesome! I have a friend who is OWL CRAZY so I'd love to win them for her! My joy comes from the antics and unconditional love of my 3 1/2 year old daughter--she's a total hoot (pardon the pun, LOL) and you really never know what she will say or do next :)

  37. Okay, more things that make me happy. My diabetes, at the moment, is under control. Today is Thursday and we have cinnamon buns for breakfast at State Farm. They are the best. I got the wagon wheels for my cart that I got last weekend in Celebration. And my wonderful husband put them right on. Now I just have to paint everything to match. I am happy that my husband is taking our grandson, CJ, to the monster trucks in Lakeland this weekend.
    They are going to enjoy some "just boys" time together. I am happy that my friend Cecile is feeling better. And I am happy that Missy always knows how to make others happy, whether it be kind words or actions or her wonderful give a ways. Missy your are the best. (Did this win me any brownie points, lol)

  38. What brings me joy is the belly laugh Noa makes everytime we do animal sounds--especially the HOOT of an owl!

  39. What a cute idea! This give away is such a "HOOT"!!

  40. What a cute idea! This give away is such a "HOOT"!! What brings joy to me? My long time friendship with you! :) Love ya!

  41. Missy,

    What brings me joy is being happy in life, a loving husband, 2 beautiful girls happy in college. Going to see my nephew in December before he heads off to Iraq. Having great friends and blogs to read each moring. Last but no least Christmas. I lost my mother who was not only my mother but my best friend on Christmas eve a few years back. It makes this time of year hard for me but i have learned to enjoy it as she did and would want me to. So see so much that makes me happy right now. Thank you..

  42. I love this give-a-way! Such cute things! Lets see, the things that bring me joy are:

    My hubby and kids
    Ice cold coke
    Days off work
    Seeing Riley learning new things (she just learned to wave bye bye!)
