Friday, October 03, 2008

Pre-School Pictures.

Griffin had his pictures taken at pre-school and we got them back last week.

This is the first time he's ever had any kind of professional pictures taken. I've never taken him for a sitting anywhere ... not Walmart, not Sears, not one of those "fancy-schmancy-costs-too-much" photo studios.

I was anxious to see what we would get ...

I like this one alot!

I think this is a really cute picture of him. I just wish his shirt wasn't tucked in. He's really an "un-tucked" kinda kid. And, I wish I had him in jeans. On this picture and the next I couldn't get a shot of it without the glare from my flash. And I had to have the flash on because it was too grainy without it.

Our little man ... our three-year-old pre-schooler

Of course we had to get them all ... heck, I even ordered some extras!!


  1. What GREAT pics. Those look fantastic. He's so photogenic (could it be because Mom is always with a camera?). Can't wait to get mine LOL. If you have time in your busy schedule while you're here, we can take a ride out to Celebration, even if you can't stay for the snow.

  2. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Honestly Missy, Sears & JCP & Walmart is not expensive, it's really cheap to get pics there....I am so surprised you never had his pictures taken.

    I like the one of him in the chair close up. I agree with the tucked in don't tuck a polo top in!! DUH

  3. Yeah the one in the chair sideways is the best IMO. I remember hating school picture day. I was not a "tucked shirt in" kinda kid either. And everyone around on that day seemed to insist on it.

  4. He gets cuter every day. He does look so grown up. Don't you wish you could keep them small forever.

  5. ahh, pics of "The Griff"----so much more interesting than boring paper piercings, but then not into scrap booking here. (lol)

  6. AAAAWWW So handsom. Aren't you glad you got them? They are so good. Look how grown he is. Our little Griffin is growing up!

  7. He'a a handsome dude!!! I know that you are glad that you got them..They make the older kids 3rd-5th grade tuck their shirts for pics at Cole's school too??? I think it's what you like and my boy is a non-tucker too:))

  8. hey its his 1st year, buy up now because by the time they are 13 years old like mine, you get burnt out and start ordering less and less, I think I buy the smallest package deal now she's in 8th grade, they start looking the same year after year, plus SPORTS -- that's another big expense. HE looks so grown up!!!!

  9. Good Pictures!! My son gets his picture taken at school next week...hope his turn out good too!

  10. Oh he is adorable!!!
    It makes me cry just thinking of how much he's grown since I've known him! I try not to look at pix of my own kids from even a year back as compared to now because the rapid changes are almost frightening.

  11. He is so adorable!!! The pictues are wonderful Missy! And I think in time you will enjoy that his shirt is tucked in and he looks so neat and handsome. You can take lots of casual candids of him everday but these are awesome.

    He looks so grown up!!!

  12. Boy is he ever getting big. He's always been a cutie patootie!

  13. Who is that big boy and what did you do with my fiffen man?

  14. He is just a beautiful boy Missy...oh how fast he is growing. *sigh*

    I just found you email Missy! It went into my spam account for some reason. I am SO sorry! I actually live closer to Cincinnati. We are about 40 minutes (or less) from Cincy. Cleveland is 3 1/2 hours or so from here. I would have driven up to meet you if I could have...last week and this one have been weeks I couldn't go that far due to watching my nephew and Gracie's activities. Bill is away on business so I could not pass it off to him!
    I would have LOVED to see you! *sniff*

    I loved the pictures of the zoo!

    *G* man? You are SO handsome!!
    I wish I could give you a HUGE hug!

