Friday, May 23, 2008

Great Dinner & A Small Fry.

About a month ago, Mike got a new grill ... and I'm loving it as much as he is!

We had a grill, but it was a charcoal smoker and it seems to take forever to grill anything. Now with this grill ... it takes hardly anytime at all.

Last night I was prepared to make a garlic herb pork loin in the oven along with some rosemary red potatos and onions. Instead of cooking them in the oven, Mike suggested he cook them on the grill.

Here's grill master Mike with his awesome new grill ... it even has a searer and an oven.

And these next two pictures are for my friend Heidi ... she thinks it's funny that I take pictures of food. But c'mon ... don't these rosemary potatos look yummy???

And this pork loin was sooooo good ... tender ... juicy ... cooked to perfection! It's actually a Smithfield product ... Paula Deen's picture was on the package, so you know I had to get it!

And to post about a little something else ...

Do you see that tiny little black speck on the bottom right of the ph tester? Just ignore the algae growth ... well, folks that is a small fry. It's a tiny little black fish. We've had the aquarium since February and I think this is probably the third time I've seen baby fish. But as you know "survival of the fittest" takes place and normally the fry do not survive. Well, this little guy is holding his own. Yesterday afternoon he worked his way into the gravel on the bottom of the tank. And this morning he was swimming around the plants. I'm hoping he makes it.

Well ... I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I'd call that an outdoor oven not a a grill! Nothing better than grilled food.

    A small fry is a baby fish??

  2. Are you sure that's a grill????.... I think you might have been taken.... Looks like a stove to me.... He he..... Girl you know I'm kiddin'... But that is one huge grill..... Guess what I cooked on our baby grill last night.... We had Chicken...... Till Next Time..... T

  3. Every time you post food it makes me hungry. LOL

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I wish we had a grill. Maybe when Jerome retires. Of course if we move closer to you, we'll just eat at your place LOL. Have a wonderful weekend. We are going to the Gardens for Lynyrd Skynard on Sat. maybe the Zellwood Cornfest on Sunday and hopefully Webster on Monday.


    PS. I thought you were gonna have fries with your grillin'

  5. you mention how fast things can be grilled, ---keep it up and you will be cooking like most folks in the kitchen cept you'll be having whats his name doing it--and when he realizes that??

  6. That food looks so YUMMY!!!!!
    I want to grill this weekend and you just inspired me:))

  7. YUMMO Missy!

    What's on the menu for the holiday weekend?

    My husband would definetly have grill envy! That thing is huge...

    Cook on MIKE!!
