Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Gift & A Tag

Yesterday we were pleasantly surprised to receive an unexpected package in the mail from Uncle Jerome and Aunt Bonnie (my brother and sister-in-law).

Mmmmmmm ... what do we have in here????

Oh my goodness ... look at these great surprises!! Griffin received this really cool "Just Mow It" John Deere t-shirt, Vehicle/Airplane Tubby Toys, and there was also a darling squishy teddy bear pillow in the package.

I'm pretty sure the teddy bear pillow was meant for me ... but as you can see in this picture, he took complete ownership of it. As a matter of fact he slept with it last night.

Thank you Jerome and Bonnie ... your sweet gifts were totally unexpected and very much appreciated! We LOVE you guys!!

And ... I've been tagged by
Gary to answer these questions.

Answering the Meme:

1. Last Movie you Saw in a Theater:
Elmo in Grouchland ... it was on the free movie schedule in 2006. Harley and I took Griffin and he did amazingly well sitting there watching the movie.

2. Favorite Board Game:
Good old fashioned Monopoly for me

3. Favorite Smells:
Lavendar, Vanilla and I love the way the grass smells right after it is cut

4. Favorite Sound:
Griffin saying "I LOVE YOU MOMMY"

5. Worst Feeling In The World:
Loosing someone I love

6. Favorite Fast Food Place:
Arby's Barbacoa ... our Arby's offers these great burritos and I love the ability to go through the drive-thru for a burrito

7. Finish This Statement. “If I Had A Lot Of Money I’d…”:
Buy Mike and airplane an I would open a scrapbooking store

8. Do You Sleep With a Stuffed Animal?

9. Storms-Cool Or Scary?:
It depends really ... I love a good hard rain, and after living in Central Florida I'm certainly mostly comfortable with thunder & lightning. But something about the thunder & lightning here in Virginia is different. It's as if the sound gets amplified through the big trees all around our house.

10. Favorite drink:
Brewed iced tea

11. Finish This Statement, “If I Had The Time I Would …..”
Create more.

12. If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Color, What Would Be Your Choice?
Golden brown with natural looking highlights.

13. One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You:
He is dang funny!!

14. What’s Under Your Bed?
Our hardwood floors ... we have a full-wave waterbed and nothing can be under our bed.

15. Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?
Yes, I love my life.

16. Morning Person Or Night Owl?
Definately a morning person ... when the clock strikes 9:00 pm I am usually asleep.

17. Over Easy Or Sunny Side Up?
Neither, I want my eggs scrambled hard. No runny stuff at all for me.

18. Favorite Place To Relax:
On the couch reading.

19. Favorite Pie:
My mother-in-law's pecan pie.

20. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:
Breyer's Light Chocolate Mocha Silk

21. Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
Well, first I guess I have to tag someone ... so let's see ... I'll tag Cecile ... and if anyone wants to do it, please do!

Hope you all have a great day!!


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    You guys deserve a surprise every once in awhile (which is why I didn't tell you I was sending it). Wish we could surprise you more. I am so glad Griffin is enjoying them. And thanks for sharing with everyone else (cheeks blushing with embarrasment :)) Love you guys!


  2. I love the answers to Gary's questions. I have mine written out and will post later.

  3. things were coming along dang nicely, but then ----I learned---"Scrambled hard-----(sigh)"---but hey nobody is perfect, I still want ya for a friend.----and wonder why I have never seen that particular flavor of Bryer's sold here in So.California??----could it be I just got me a rotten store mgr, with bad taste as to what he stocks in the store? Thanks for answering the tag, like everyone else we are all holding our breath to read Judi's answers.

  4. Aren't surprises wonderful? Little G gets more precious every day. Look at that smile as he revels in those treasures!

    I loved your answers to the fun questions! Would it be alright if I borrowed them??

    Have a sweet day dear Missy!


  5. girl, you have got to get to the movies...2006? What!

    Loved your sweet answers, hey let me know when you are coming in June, want to set the day aside just for you and Griffin

  6. Hope you don't mind me giving my answers here!

    Answering the Meme:

    1. Last Movie you Saw in a Theater:
    It's been so long..but I think it was Spiderman 3

    2. Favorite Board Game:
    Good old fashioned Monopoly

    3. Favorite Smells:
    I have a candle that has an "earthy smell"...the smell reminds me of my hubby, Frank.(the first time I smelled it I burst into tears right in the store!)
    4. Favorite Sound:
    Ok..this is gonna sound weird..
    the beginning to "Law & Order"..again this has to do with Frank. When we were "dating" on the net, that theme always came on just before he logged on to the chat room...told ya it was

    5.Worst Feeling In The World:
    Loosing someone I love

    6. Favorite Fast Food Place:
    Backyard Burger..they make a mean Hawaiian burger!

    7. Finish This Statement. “If I Had A Lot Of Money I’d…”:
    Spend the rest of my life on a cruise ship!

    8. Do You Sleep With a Stuffed Animal?
    Sleep with my cat..not that I want to..but she insists.

    9. Storms-Cool Or Scary?:
    Soooo of my favorite things about moving to TN is the storms we get. Even being in a Tornado was cool..scary..but cool.

    10. Favorite drink:
    Diet A&W rootbeer

    11. Finish This Statement, “If I Had The Time I Would …..”
    Scrapbook again..I miss it so much.

    12. If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Color, What Would Be Your Choice?
    Golden brown with natural looking highlights.

    13. One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You:
    Can't just say 1! Sweetest gal I know.

    14. What’s Under Your Bed?

    15. Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?

    16. Morning Person Or Night Owl?
    Both...just depends on what I have to do the next day.

    17. Over Easy Or Sunny Side Up?
    Neither..take me Over Medium.

    18. Favorite Place To Relax:
    In front of the computer.

    19. Favorite Pie:
    Chocolate Mousse

    20. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:
    Jamoca Almond Fudge (31 Flavors)

  7. Hi Missy
    Thanks for tagging me I will answer this weekend!!Sounds like fun!
    Have a great weekend!!
