Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Little Of This & That.

I'm in the process of getting ready for a yard sale. About 10 of us local mommies have rented out the Goochland Fairgrounds to have a multi-family yard sale. I'm hoping it will be a nice day. I will have ALOT of scrapbooking stuff, baby boy & toddler stuff, women/men's clothing, collectibles and various knick knacks. If you are in the local area, please join us on June 7th from 8:00 - 2:00 for some great yard sale shopping! I know the other ladies are going to have some really nice things and big ticket items too.

And really ... what is a post without a picture? I decided to share one of my all time favorite pictures of Griffin today.

This picture was taken the summer of 2006. Doesn't he look like a baby? He was only a year and a half old. Gosh, he's growing so fast!

And remember that dang typing test I was addicted to? Well, I'm still addicted to it. I've just been unable to best my best score until now!! Woo Hoo ... here's my current standing:

85 words
If interested in getting addicted ... try it yourself!

And here you can find the newest items in

And this is Memorial Day weekend ... please take the time to remember all of our service men and women, past and present who have served our country. Memorial Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. My Dad was a veteran of World War II and he proudly waved his US Flag on this day every year. It gives me great pride to follow in his footsteps by waving our stars & stripes too. I have to say, everytime I see a flag it reminds me of my Daddy ... it just makes me happy.


  1. Sweet pic of my future SIL:o)

    Wouldn't that be funny if they really got married!

  2. It is nice to do that spring cleaning this time of the year. Good luck with the garage sale.

  3. just checked with my social secretary and not gonna be able to fit in a visit to your garage sale. (not all that sure I even KNOW what your local area is??) but good luck with the sale.

  4. ahh, now I have a much better mental idea of where you hang out , thanks for the clarification on your locale. (appreciate your commenting on my niece Tish's blog page---she is so excited with blogging.

  5. Good Luck with the garage sale I wish I was in the area!Have fun and make lots of money!
    Yet another precious picture of Griffin!
    I am going back and scraping younger pictures of Cole and it almost makes me sad I miss those days so much!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Wish I could get up there for your yard sale. Jerome and I have been going every weekend. Next weekend I think I'm gonna try to get rid of some stuff. I have a WHOLE room full already priced and ready to go. Good luck to you and your friends, with yours.
