Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Pet Store.

He calls it the "fish store" and loves to visit! This trip I decided to take some pictures to try and capture his complete joy in being there!

Pointing out the birds ...

We spend ALOT of time at the bird section!

Daddy and Griffin checking out the lizards ...

Oooooooh ... there's snakes in there too!

And the FISH!

But I do believe his favorite section is the cat area ... he loves his "Meows"!


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Looks like the boys were having a great time. It never takes alot to keep the little ones happy. I think you should get Griffin a "meow" lol, just kidding.


  2. My favorite place would be the cats. I have three now and would have more if my husband would let me.

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I have been checking out your blog daily. Griffin is such a cool nephew and i told Bonnie after I looked at the pictures he took of hisself just proves that point.

    Your Brother, Mike'BIL and Griffin's Uncle

  4. Hi Missy!
    Looks like a fun trip!
    I have one kitty that I dearly love even though shes CRAZY I think her mommy dropped her on the head before she was abandoned at my Mom's house..I guess that's why I love her so much:))
    Take care!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. If you're choosing between a lizard, snake or cat...go for the cat!!! Looks like Griffin is having a great time at the Pet Store!

  7. I think it's unanimous that you should get a cat! They come in black and white - your favorite!
