Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Self Portrait.

The other day Griffin was being very quiet. If you are a Mommy, you know this quiet. Your child is so quiet, you know they are up to something.

Well ... let me present to you what he was doing.

Taking pictures ... of himself.

These pictures are just SO Griffin. They capture his joy, his silliness and his sweet spirit. Sigh ... I love being his Mommy.


  1. Love these!!

    Sam did this not long ago, what great pictures.

    Never leave your camera laying around unless you want some great candid photos

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    HOW CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Griffin is definitely all boy. I don't remember my boys getting into the camera but I do remember alot of quiet moments. Thanks for sharing.


  3. He is just way to cute!! These are priceless. They will make a great scrapbook page.

  4. Get busy Scrappin' Missy those CUTE pictures must go on a scrapbook page.The picture of Cole on my blog he actually took of himself when we were driving down the road..He really likes to take silly pic of himselh:))
    Take care!!

  5. Oh my gosh Missy...these are just too cute!!! Guess you have a little photographer in the house now! I love his expressions...what a cute scrapbook layout this will be.

  6. Anonymous5:40 PM

    scapping pictures!

    I giggled at his self art, yeah if he goes for tattoos in the future, hopefully they'll have a little more personality, LOL

    Get him a meow!!
