Thursday, April 17, 2008


The other day was art day, and Griffin found a new way to express himself while I wasn't looking ...

Let's just hope this was experimentation and he truly doesn't choose to do this to himself when he is older.

I hate to admit it ... but, it was dang cute ... and it washed off pretty easily. In the future I will encourage him to keep his artistic expression on the paper and not on his body.


  1. He looks so proud of his artwork:)

  2. What awesome artork.It must be a "Boy Thing" because Cole loves tattoos too..He puts them everywhere I don't mind so much in the summer but during school we are scrubbing them off at night and baby oil works great for the removal without to much scrubbing:))
    Talk to ya soon!!

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Looks to me like Griffin is in competition with Uncle Wade. I think Griffin's tattoo's are much nicer. Just so you know Uncle Scott, Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Jerome all have tattoos, so we won't hold it against him. LOL


  4. I know its' been awhile since I have blogged/commented. Sorry had to laugh at the Tattos :) I love the pic of you and our hubby on the front page of your blog.

    Take care,

  5. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Griffin's tattoos are awesome....He can do my next one.

    His Uncle
