Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bett & Me Layout.

Sunday I took a few minutes to create a really quick layout. This is a photo of my mother-in-law Bett and me that I've wanted to scrap for a long time. I just never knew "how" I wanted to scrap it. I found these great swirlies at Nicole Lombardo's Etsy Shop. They are really cool ... and I just knew I could use these on this particular page.

Although there were many different ways I could have made the page ... I decided to use this worn, rustic red background paper as the main color. Red is Bett's favorite color. And I love turquoise. The two rustic colors just went really well together.

Here's the completed page ... I think it looks rather bohemien.

A close up look of the picture ... this has been one of my all-time favorite pictures of us together.

And a close up of the swirlies ... I do not know what they actually call them ... but I call them swirlies. I made the little matching flowers using punches.

And ....

A few of you have asked about my new blog header ... isn't it just FABULOUS??? Oh my gosh ... I LOVE IT!! I found this great digital designer named Theresa Marie and she designed it for me!! You can find her blog by clicking
HERE. She creates some of the most wonderful things!!


  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Great picture of you and Bett. Love the layout. You are so talented.

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    hey Missy,

    How do I get a hold of the person who did your header? I love it, and been looking for someone to do one for me.
    her website/blog doesn't have a contact email on it.

    thanks, Wendy

  3. Beautiful pages!!

  4. Wow...I don't check in for a couple of days and have lots to catch up on.

    First let me say I'm glad your little Griffin is feeling better. Love the happy picture. He's looking so "grown up". Did you cut his hair again?

    Second...the layout with the picture of you and Bett is both look so happy. I love your color combination.

    And new header is awesome Missy!!!

  5. Hi Missy
    Thanks for sending the Food Netwoek Blog my way.
    I LOVE your new header it ROCKS!!!!
    I like the swirlies you found on Etsy and the LO of you and Bett is Great I love the color combo!!
    Take care...

  6. AW Missy! Thank you so much - I'm SO glad that you love your new header! :) I've added you to my "faves" :) - hope that's OK!

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    did she create your banner for free?
