Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Feeling Better!

Look who's feeling better ...

It amazes me how fast he comes back after being sick.

I'm so glad he's feeling better and he's running around and playing just like normal!

I had so many emails about the tornados. Thank you so much for checking in on us. The tornados were south of us in Suffolk and Colonial Heights. There is such devastation there ... we will keep the residents in the area in our prayers.


  1. lOOK how grown he looks in this picture!! I am loving your new header, it's perfect. Wish I could find one I was happy with.

    Thanks for checking on me this morning! The Lord looked out for us all.

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Glad G is feeling better. We were worried about you and the tornadoes until Jerome pointed out they were south of you. Thank God. And yes those people who were devistaed are in our thoughts and prayers.


  3. It is nice to see Griffin looking perky today and what a cute smile on his face!
    I am so glad you are feeling better!
    Have a GREAT day!

  4. Griffin is just the cutest little boy. I am glad he is feeling better. I love the header. Is it digital? How did you do it?

  5. Missy...So happy that Griffin is feelin better! I actually looked up your address on Map Quest and figured out where in VA you were before I could go to sleep last night! lol Such a worry wart I am. After going through a tornado myself in 06', wanted to make sure ya'll were ok. LOVE the new banner! Did you make it and how???

  6. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I texted Teresa today to see if she'd heard if you guys were okay. I saw them last night and even commented on your blog after seeing the news. Amazing the damage they can do in such a very, very short amount of time.

    Kids are so resilient!

  7. OMG, who is that BIG boy? Glad he's feeling better :-) (and you, too!)
