Thursday, May 01, 2008

Our Happy Home.

As the weather gets warmer I'm reminded just how much I really love spring.

I lived in Florida the first 35 years of my life and we never really experienced the seasonal changes. Fall was always my favorite season until I had a child. Now each year I look forward to spring. Here in Virginia as the weather gets warmer you can definately see the earth sprout again with vivid colors. The trees begin to grow their leaves, the beautiful flowers begin to bloom and it's really just a glorious thing to experience a true spring.

We were enjoying a beautiful spring day a few weekends ago and Griffin was playing with some scrap pieces of wood. He put the triangle on top of the square and declared he had built a house. He then proceeded to add eyes, a nose and a mouth ... creating our happy house.

Aren't these flowers GORGEOUS??? They bloom in our backyard tree. I so look forward to these flowers each year.

And another bush with some pretty flowers ... the best thing about these flowers is I have to do absolutely nothing to help them grow ... as you know ... I do NOT have a green thumb.

Ohhhhh .... Daddy ... what do you have there?????

It's a dragonfly ... Griffin loves discovering new things especially if they are alive (think worms, ants, ladybugs) and in this instance this dragronfly was IT!

Tonight my mother-in-law Bett will be flying in from Florida. We are soooo happy that she is coming. Griffin has been saying "I wanna see Grandma" all week long. He is looking forward to her visit too!! We have some fun things planned. Goochland will be having it's First Annual Goochland Countryfest this weekend. We are looking forward to seeing what that is all about ... it sounds like it will be a good old-fashioned country get together.

Hope you all have a GREAT day!!


  1. I just love company. We just had our Avocado Festival a few weeks ago. It is a small town fair. Lots of fun. Enjoy your company.

  2. Missy, my thanks for your taking the time to read my dumb blogging---and taking the time to comment. I have of course NOW back tracked and reviewed YOUR page---and wow, I must congratulate you on your great sense of color and arrangements---I am still experimenting in that regard (hmm maybe I SHOULD take some time and do the grand European tour----and "find myself"?? again thanks for the comment.

  3. Your flowers are simply breathtaking beautiful.
    Great Griffin's expression.

    Enjoy your visit with Bett.

  4. Hi MIssy
    Sounds like you and your family are at a good place in life..Enjoy the moments!!
    Your flowers are just lovely!! Enjoy them too!!!

  5. We love spring! Isn't it refreshing how these little guys can have such passion for new things (like the coolest dragonfly in the world). Love to B from us and we're already dying to hear about the festival.

  6. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Seeing your pictures makes me homesick for New England. I really miss the seasons. Have a great time with Bett. Love you guys.


  7. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Well it is finally the weekend...been waiitin' all week...Bonnie went to the Wal-Mart to pick some stuff and I am checkin' e-mails.....fixin' to watch Nascar qualifying at Richmond...ya'll have a good weekend...tell Mike and Griffin I said howdy

    Your Brother

  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    That's so cute that G built that little "house" and face. Too cute not to scrap. It's so nice that you guys are so close with your MIL, with being out of state.
