Monday, February 19, 2007


I took Griffin back to the doctor this morning ... this is our FIFTH visit since January 15th. This time ... ROTAVIRUS. He's had severe diarrhea (D) since Friday ... going 7-8 times a day. He's had no appetite, but he's acting okay.

I was worried because he lost 2 pounds from January 25th until February 13th and I was really concerned he might loose more weight. He can't stand to loose anymore weight (he went from 29 pounds to 27 pounds in that short period of time). So, I went in and we were able to see Dr. Terry (we LOVE him!). He actually listened to me ... and he diagnosed rotavirus. He gave me a print out of the diet they give the children when they admit them to the hospital if they are de-hydrated ... same stuff Griffin eats anyway. And said he was pleased to see he was not de-hydrated. He suggested I continue with the Pedialyte, but wants me to give G Gatorade too.

This is a very, very contagious virus that mostly affects infants and toddlers. We are always careful to wash our hands, but now we most definately have to be super, super careful. I had to take a stool sample back to the lab this afternoon as he wants to test for more serious things such as salmenella (sp?). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all comes back negative.

So ... we are keeping our sweet boy hydrated, fed, dry and happy.


  1. Rotaviris. I saw it many times in the Pediatric Office I worked at. But the worse is when your grandchild has it. Just make sure he is hydrated. It sounds like your physician has it under control.

    Tyler got so dehydrated and had to be admitted to Children's Medical Center for 6 days -and did both ends. He was 4 1/2 at the time. He wouldn't drink anything and was on an IV. He cried to daddy to make it stop.

    It started on Easter that year. He ate a jelly bean and vomitted. to this day it is that darn jelly bean that made him so sick. :)

    Take care and I will pray that Griffin will be back to his old self in no time.

  2. Anonymous8:57 PM

    OMG, keep him hydrated, even if it's with ice pops. My son, Mitchell was in the hospital last Jan. for 1 wk with Rota. He was so dehydrated it was scary. We can chat more on IM about it.

  3. Poor little guy. Being so sick for a while now. I hope he starts feeling better soon.

  4. Aww, poor sweet Griffin! Hope he feels better REAL soon! Like everyone else said, just make sure he keeps hydrated, maybe find a good flavor of gatorade that he loves. I'm glad to hear this doctor didn't blow you off, like the other one!

  5. That is scary Missy. I'm glad you're keeping him hydrated. losing 2 pounds in such a small boy is a big deal. He will be in my prayers to get over this virus speedy quick. Poor sweet boy!

  6. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Missy, I hope all is well now! I am just catching up! He didn't eat Peter Pan by any chance did he? They recalled that and the symptoms are exactly like Rotavirus. Be well and lots and love and hugs.

  7. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Forgot to sign it Tricia! ;) It is late.
