Sunday, February 18, 2007

Baby Bandaids ...

Our friends Fred and Judy are visiting from Florida. We went to Casa Grande for dinner last night in Short Pump and then decided to stop by Walmart to walk around a little bit before heading home.

The other day when I took Griffin to the doctor, he had blood drawn and they put a "baby bandaid" on it. After his nap I decided to take it off, but then discovered it was still bleeding. So, I had to put two big bandaids on it to keep it on his tiny little finger. I made a mental note to pick up some baby bandaids next time I was in Walmart.

As Judy and I were looking for them, I noticed a very well dressed lady sitting in one of Walmart's mobile carts kind of listening to our conversation, but really didn't think anything about it. I couldn't find the baby bandaids I was looking for, but did see "kid bandaids". I made the simple comment to Judy ... I will never buy those silly bandaids with the characters on them because they are twice the price and you only get 15 of them. That's it ... my simple comment. I told Judy next time I was in the pharmacy I would look for the baby bandaids and we moved on.

So ... all of us were walking through the food section and we came upon this same lady. And she said to me ... "Oh good, it's you ... my husband has the bandaids in his cart and I want to give you the money to pay for them, I couldn't stand it if a baby needed something and couldn't have it". I was mortified!! She thought I couldn't afford bandaids. I explained to her that we had plenty of band aids at home, I was just looking for a particular kind. She was very kind and very sweet to think about us and make this offer ... but I was sooooooo embarrassed.

Anyway ... I can't believe I shared this story, but thought I should. I guess the lesson is before we jump to conclusions about something ... get all the facts.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Oh Missy...I do think that was sweet of the woman to want to do that even though I know you can afford all the bandaids you want. Just imagine yourself being older and only able to get around with the use of a mobile cart. That was her random act of kindness expressed to you. You shouldn't be embarassed should feel "cared for".

    When you get older your hearing isn't all is used to be so in her mind she probably thought it was somethig you "needed" for Griffin. Actually, your the person I can most see buying something for someone else if you thought they needed it.

    I love your makes you so special and makes you Missy!

    Now I've written a book.

  2. That was such a sweet story to share. You have to love the big heart of that woman. Yes, I agree with Andi-don't be embarrassed.

    The woman probably did not think twice in helping someone.

    Stories like that are very special to share and bring job to those who read. It lets you know there are so many nice people in the world.

    Take care,

  3. Joy was the word I meant to type

  4. The lady's got compassion - something you seldom see these days. My hat goes off to her.

    BTW - I understand why you said what you said, I'm the same way. But what I figured and is working well, is to use regular size bandaids and cut the ends off some. That gives the padding area large enough to do what it needs to do, but the tape only goes around once and doesn't make a huge thick "bandage".

  5. Missy...that really is a sweet story. Don't be embarrassed. She just wanted to do an RAK and probably did not hear all of the conversation...
    Just think of it as a sweet gesture and that someone cared. It is nice to know that happens!
    Now it can be a sweet story to tell and one you can share with Griffin when he is older!
    I do understand being embarrassed though! Just try not to be! : )
    You are such a sweet lady radiates from you.


  6. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. That's too funny about the sweet of her though!

  7. Hi Missy! Thanks so much for dropping by. I was just telling my husband that I found out today that a sweet blog friend lives in WH and now I've met another! I thought CG had closed. Has it reopened? I worked there so long ago, started in payroll then transferred as secretary to head of public relations. My brother was married at the gardens, his wife having been a model and one of the Southern Belles. It was an enjoyable and beautiful place to work. I see you are a scrapper too! That makes my meeting you even more meaningful. I'm a digital scrapbook designer. Must run, but I will add you to my blog link and visit again soon.

  8. How sweet of that Lady. You don't find to many like her anymore. So dont be embarassed. Feel blessed..

  9. Anonymous8:59 PM

    ROFLMAO, that is funny.
