Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Our friends Mary Ann and Chayce included a roll of tape with Griffin's birthday gift. I actually thought she had accidentally placed it in the bag and I had said to her, "Oh, I don't think you meant to give this to us". She then said ... oh yes I did ... children LOVE tape. It's a known fact around our house how much Griffin does love tape. When I'm packing orders with the packing tape, he laughs and giggles each time I stretch the tape for a package.

So ... it was quite fun to see him enjoying his very own roll of tape.

Wow ... stretch, stretch, stretch.

Ummmm ... Mommy .... HELP!

Giggle Monster.

It's amazing the things you can do with tape.

Oh sooo much fun!


  1. I get to visit you via my brother's computer! Hopefully I can post on my blog this evening!

    I was so upset to hear about how sick G has been. How awful for the poor little guy. Yet, there he is in today's pictures, smiling that sweet smile! HUgs to G!!

    What cute pictures...I will have to give a roll of tape to my nephew!
    I bet he will love it too!

    Take care Missy...hugs to you all.


  2. That is TOO cute!!!!!
    Yes, kiddoes like all sorts of things like that--give my littlest one some tape, or spoons, or a big box, and she is happy!!!

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I love the look on his face in the 2nd picture...it's sooo funny!

  4. Missy, your Griffin looks so healthy and happy! I just love his expressions playing with that tape. It's actually difficult to know he has a virus. Looks like your good care is winning the battle over the evil virus and that's good.

    I think it's funny how children love to play with things like tape and boxes just as much if not more than the toys.

  5. That is too funny.
    I must tell you that my boss stands in my office everyday, in the same spot, right next to the tape dispenser and tears off about a 2 inch piece and plays with it. I swear, I am not making it up. Wonder what the fasination(spl) is?

    My kids always liked a box.

    Glad all of you are feeling better.

  6. It looks like your little Mister is having loads of fun and feeling much better.

    Lots o'hugs!!!


  7. Wow, what cute pictures! He reminds me so much of my son when he was that age. My son used to LOVE things that dangle, like things on a string, yo-yos, etc. I never thought to give him tape back then, but if I did, he would've pulled some out, and dangled it, making it bounce up and down. The fourth picture down especially reminds me of my Tony!
