Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Ice Storm ...

We experienced an ice storm Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning ... Wednesday about 1:30 am our power went out ... the house went completely quite. Mike went to look outside and the trees were drooping over, almost to the ground. His exact words were "this is going to be serious" ... and it was. The first thing we heard sounded like a gunshot ... it was a tree falling. It continued all night long. It was pretty scary. We continued hearing trees and limbs falling all night long. I don't think either one of us got much sleep.

The pictures below show what we woke up to. If you have time, please make sure to click on each picture to view it in a larger window ... they are pretty incredible. Especially the last picture ... you can see just how thick the ice was.

Everything was grey outside ... grey and omninous ... and yet beautiful.

Our power was off all day, until 8:00 pm Wednesday. We had the fireplace going so it stayed pretty warm. We have a generator so we were able to keep our freezer, refrigerator and other necessary items on throughout the day. When things like this happen we really appreciate those things we take for granted.

This is NOT snow ... it's all ice.

The trees in our yard are huge and tall ... and when they get top heavy with ice, they can get pretty dangerous

This is a view of our side yard, yet more trees

And then a view of our front yard ... right after I took these pictures I came into the house and then just a little bit later my neighbor Tony came to our front door to make sure I was okay. He saw me outside taking pictures when he drove down the road on his four-wheeler. Apparently when he got back to his drive-way he heard one of these trees in the front yard snap and the top fell right by the van, narrowly missing it. Tony wanted to check on me to make sure I was okay ... nice guy huh?

This is a view looking down our road ... we had 5 huge trees fall across the road. Mike, Tony and our other neighbor Mike cleared the road so we could get out if necessary.

It's just a winter wonderland ... all white, icy and grey

And this is the picture I encourage you to look at larger by clicking on it ... you can see just how thick the snow actually was


  1. Wow, Missy, we had a terrible ice store back in 96 or 97 and can you believe we had ice just as thick here in SE Texas.... and our power was off for 5 to 7 days.... Oh my gosh, not fun with 3 little kids.... Then a week later 2 prisoners got out and the kids were stuck in the house again for about 5 more days.... Glad you all are ok... Till next time.... Me

  2. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I'm glad you're okay and to know you have a generator. We didn't have one here when all the hurricanes came through and it was impossible to get one then. We went without power for a total of 15 days and it was really a bummer. We're now the proud owners of a generator and I hope we never have to crank 'er up!

    Stay warm and safe!

  3. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Oh yucky!
    I love your pictures!!

  4. Glad you're all safe! Wow, the pictures really capture the story well! I don't remember ever having an ice storm that bad! It must've been terrible without electricity, but at least you had the generator. They come in handy sometimes!

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Glad your ok, we have this too but on top of 6" of snow, and we haven't been able to get out much, the mail man hasn't been here for 2 days now, hoping today he'll make it, but there is no getting out of our front door w/out a sledge hammer or ice pick, something to dig out. And the worst part in our area is the cold temp's, nothing is melting and nothing is thawing out. I hate this weather. I just wish i could get to the grocery store. At least we have power, that we didn't lose. We have heat, electric, and some food -might have to beg someone to come get me tonight for a grocery run. And today the SUN IS SHINING! That's a good thing. Take all in this horrible weather we're getting.

  6. wow...I'd rather have my mounds of snow as an to have an ice storm...I hate those!!
    I'm glad you stayed warm and safe!!

  7. That is amazing! I can't imagine how cold it must be there. Great pictures Missy. Keep the fire burning and stay warm.
    I hope your able to comment on my blog soon. I hate it when blogger is mean like that. Have you tried using other or anonymous?

  8. Wow-those pictures are great. You are right-the last picture blown up sure was incredible.

    Thank God everyone in your family is okay. Wow- the thought that a tree came so close to your van.

    I can only remember an ice storm that bad once when I was young. I actually crawled to school-lived 2 blocks away. I mean crawled. Made it to the top of the hill-right in front of the school. I dropped my books and they slid all the way down the hill. Sat on a book -used it as a sled-went to the bottom of the hill-picked up the books and crawled back to the top of the hill and went to school. Then they sent me home-since it was so bad.
    Take care,

  9. Anonymous7:48 AM

    We're going to the Baltimore Aquarium, browsing the Inner Harbor, and to the Bass Pro Shops
