Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saturday ...

It's 6:15 and Griffin is still sleeping ... yeah!

Mike is deep sea fishing today off the coast of Virginia Beach with some friends. I think G and I will head to town. Our goal? Party favors! I think we will hit the Dollar Spot at Target, then Dollar Tree and finally Walmart. I really want to head out when he wakes up, so I may have to do the Walmart stop first. Maybe have breakfast at the McDonald's inside Walmart, print some pictures out at the Kodak machine and then pick up groceries. I have those nifty silver hot/cold bags to put my groceries in so I do not have to worry about my cold stuff thawing or getting warm while they are in the car. If you do not have one of these bags, I highly recommend them. They are awesome! Really ... I probably do not even need them as the temperature is in the 20s, but hey ... I have them and I use them all the time.

Yesterday we had a playdate at Short Pump Town Center ... again fun!! We met Heidi and the boys there ... let the kids play, ate lunch and played some more. We did not get home until after 3:00. Griffin never took a nap and he didn't even go down early for the evening as I had expected him too. Oh well ... maybe that's why he's sleeping in this morning. I am hoping to be home by noon today though ... that way G can have his normal nap and I can have a bit of time to do some house cleaning. Ever since he was a tiny baby we've had him on a pretty good schedule and it works out really well for us.

Anyway ... hope you all have a GREAT weekend!!


  1. Sounds like you have a busy day planned. Hope you find exactly the party favors you're looking for.

    I may have to get one of those silver thermal bags. I always "rush" home from the store to put the groceries away. The car heats up so fast here in Florida with the sun shining...even in cooler weather. I know Sherry brought a covered dish in one once and said they were great!

    Have a good weekend! Home Mike catches a big fish!

  2. Sounds like a fun, busy day planned! I have one of those silver bags you mentioned. My mother-in-law gave me one a while back, and it sure does come in handy!

  3. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I'm still here....just trying to decide if I should continue to blog even though my husband doesn't approve of it and made it known in our 1st counseling session....I am leaning on YES because it's for me!

  4. What a busy day. I need to get one of those thermal bags. McDonald's is always a nice stop with the kids.

    Take care

  5. I love those bags! They really do help, especially if you have to stop a few other places on the way home!

    I hope had a great day fishing!

    Hope your busy day with Griffin was fun...did he love Mickey D's? : )
    When Dan was 7 and 8, we always had a Friday evening *date* at the McD's on base. He would pick our menu and I let him pay. He thought that was so much fun! Boy was that a long time ago!!

    Have a great Sunday!

