Thursday, January 25, 2007

Just an ordinary day ...

Isn't this is couple of cuties? This is a picture of Griffin with his buddy Samuel, taken at Samuel's birthday party the other day. These two ... well ... I can say I think they will be future little heartbreakers.

I've lived in Virginia almost four years now ... hard to believe. Still, each time it snows, I am astounded that I live somewhere it actually snows. It just started snowing ... the flakes look like they are about dime size and they are dancing down from the sky ... what a spectacular sight! This is coming from a girl that lived her first 36 years in Central Florida ... it snowed only one time that I can remember when I lived there and I think I was about 9 years old. Anyone else from the Winter Haven area that remembers that?

I took Griffin back to the doctor this morning. We were there 10 days ago and he still has that deep cough. He tested negative for strep (thank God!) and the doctor said it was "just a cold". That's good to hear, but still ... the cough sounds horrible.

After the doctor I stopped by Michael's ... I had a gift card burning a hole in my pocket and wanted to spend it. I've always wanted one of those huge 3-D stars for my wall ... I love everything Americana and stars. They had one, so I got it. Once I get it hung up, I will take a picture of it. And I found a few things for Griffin's birthday party goodie bags.

Griffin is down for a nap ... so now it's time for a little island scrapbooking.


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Yup that's a cute picture for sure.
    I love those stars too...
    Glad it's nothing serioius with G
    I have a gc too :)

  2. For some reason the picture isn't showing when I go to your blog. I can see your post and leave a comment but can't see the picture of Griffin and Samuel. Maybe its a blogger issue.

    I remember when it snowed in Florida. I want to say it was 1976. It snowed as far south as Miami that year. The headlines of the paper there said "Moan Over Miami"...a play on Moon Over Miami. It is hard to believe you've been in Virginia for 4 years. The time just flies!

    I always liked those stars too. I love Americana as well!

  3. I can see the picture now! They're both so cute!!! Such good looking little guys!!!

  4. What a great picture! They sure are a couple of cuties! Looks like they had a great time.
    Hope Griffin's cough gets better soon.

  5. What a sweet precious! I love Michaels and I love giftcards...can't wait to see you finished star!

  6. How cute are they? Adorable.

    Take Care

  7. So cute. Both boys are sweeties...Griffin IS a cutie for sure! I am sure he will shake that cough. They seem to be hanging around this season. I know it is hard to hear it though. : (
    I know you had fun at Michaels! Those stars are so pretty. I got one for my sis in law. Their living room os very Americanan and it looks great.
    Habe a wonderful weekend.

  8. Love the picture of the boys together. It's good to see that Griffin has a little buddy!
    You know I love well spent. :o)

  9. Love that picture! So cute!!
    I think I would be the same way if I lived somehwere that it snowed regularly. I grew up having snow, but it's been so many years now that I think it would just amaze me!!
