Sunday, January 28, 2007

Scrappin' For Friends ...

The other day my blogging friend Wendy placed an order with me. In the past she has suggested I make a Scrapbooking Tear Bear ... so ... I was packing her order on Thursday while Griffin was napping and realized I had a little extra time on my hands. I created this little Scrapbooking Tear Bear just for her. I literally put this together in about 30 minutes (a first for me!) ... but I really wanted to send a little surprise gift to her with her order.

I need some Mommy advice ...

On January 15th I took Griffin to the doctor and he was diagnosed with strep throat. They prescribed Amoxicillin. I took him back 10 days later on the 25th because of the cough he still has. The doctor I saw that day made me feel really funny about bringing him back ... she made me feel like I shouldn't have brought him back in. He tested negative this time for strep. She said "it's a cold" and will run it's course. Well ... our little guy is coughing, coughing, coughing. I'm really worried about this and do not know what to do. He has an icky, runny nose but no fever. Any suggestions?


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Call them back. Tell them everything you told us. Doctors shouldn't make us feel that way! It's not right.
    Tell them his cough is no better and you want something called in the pharmacy :)
    Cute tear bear!

  2. It is so dry around here, I suggest you put a humidifier in his room. My son has alergies, when we run the fireplace or the heat high I always run the Humidifier. If you dont have one try some Vics Vapor rub on his chest. That may sooth the cough and make him feel better. Hope this helps. And Thanks a ton for the bear it is soooo cute!! See you did good on the scrapping bear.

  3. As a medical assistant who worked in a pediatric office, I also would suggest a humidifier. But-I also agree with Jen. Each child is different and the physician should never have made you feel that way. If the humidifier does not work within a couple of days, I would go back to the pediatrician.

    As a mother-short story-Cindy was sick 104-105 temp. Temp would come temp would go. Took her to the doctor 3 times in 1 week. Was told a virus. Took her to Children’s Medical Center 1 day after last visit. Full blown pneumonia.

    It depends on the child. You know you little one better that anyone.

    Hope the little one is doing better. Love the bear.

    Take care

  4. Adorable little bear...Wendy will be thrilled!

    I agree with everyone know Griffin better than anyone. Take him back and tell them of your concerns...also tell them that they made you feel uncomfortable on your last visit and you would appreciate it if they would not do so in the future.

    Hope his cough gets better soon.

  5. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I would take him back in Missy. If you are in an office with several different Drs like ours is tell them you want a different Dr and not the one you just saw.

  6. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Sometimes you just have to make them listen. You spend all day with Griffen, you know him best! The air is dry so the humidifier will help but maybe not all the way. Try Dyselm (sp) it works great for coughs. I would give it 2 or 3 days depending how the cough sounds and take him back until they listen to you or take him somewhere else if they don't.

  7. Just me chiming in with the humidifier thing as does help.

    But YOU know Griffin better than THEY do. Soemtimes you just have to make a fuss. I was always one who stood back and let people run right over me. Doctors and staff included. That changed when my Dad was so ill...and it has carried over to now with all of us. Some docs care SO much but just get pre-occupied...some have to be MADE to care!
    I hope he is better today....I am thinking about you all.

    Let then know they made you uncomfortable...they should know that. NO parent should ever be made to feel that way. I was when Dan was small and my sis in law was as well....sometimes you have to fight back. I know you hate that, as I did. It was hard but I did it and it got easier eventually. Took me till I was 45 though! *smile*

    LOVE the bear are so creative. : )


  8. Gosh Girl, Take that baby back to the Dr and tell them everything that you have on your mind... You know G better than anyone.... And I would also try the humidifier.... My Jordan was one that was prone to URI... We were at Dr. Office all the time and once in the ER on Christmas Eve.... Oh and one other thing I've always here but don't know if it is true... Maybe a little Pup... We got a Chihuahua years ago when Jordan was about 2 and it seemed like he just somehow got over all of his respiratory problems once China was here... I know this isn't something you wanted to hear.. But if it works... Who knows??? Till Next time... Teresa

    PS. I like the pp almost as much as the one you made me... LOL.. Girl you know you do awesome work...
