Monday, November 27, 2006

Oranges Straight From The Tree ...

Yet another thing I forgot about ... oranges straight from the tree.

It's so nice to be able to walk outside and pick an orange or grapefruit straight from the tree. It's amazing what we forget about until we have the ability to once again do it.

Grandma & Griffin picking oranges

Griffin & Sara ... Grandma Bett's dog ... Bett is Mike's Mom, we stay at her house when we visit

Our little fruit picker ...


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Oranges & Grapefruit grow on trees? I suppose your going to tell me next that lemons & limes grow on trees too! We Oregonians think that such fruits grow in boxes on their way to the store! LOL I'd love to see them on trees someday! That's just not something you see here! We have lots of apple, peach, & nut trees here. Tons of berries....all kinds...grapes, cherrys & kiwi too!! Those other fruits you were talking about, well I just can't believe they don't grow in boxes! That's the only way I've seen them!! Lucky Ducks!!

  2. You can't beat that! I love picking fruit right off the tree. We get to do that here in Arizona. My neighbor gives me a bucket of lemons every year off of her trees. My whole neighborhood is loaded with citrus trees.

  3. Anonymous12:22 AM

    I laughed out loud when I read Julia's comments! : )

    I do remember enjoying those orahnges fresh from the trees when we lived in FL and CA. So sweet and juicy. Yum.

    Isn't Griffin a lucky boy? : )

  4. Oh Missy, G is such an adventurist. Almost every picture I see of him he has something in his hands. I LOVE IT..... My kids used to be like that.... They were the type of kids that would get up and go straight outside to play... And never come in till it was time for bed.... Thank God for fenced yards and good neighbors.... To bad the world is like it is today and kids can't just go outside and play like they used to.... I saw a story on TV the other day about this. Sorry for the rant.... Just something I thought of once I started typing.... Talk to you later........ T

    PS. It's too funny that you posted about picking fruit right off the tree Rusty has a man on his mail route that grows tangerines and he has been picking them by the bag full and bringing them home. I sure can tell you they don't last a day.... Everyone loves things fresh....
