Sunday, November 26, 2006

This is Florida ...

Okay ... I admit it ... I wish Griffin could grow up in Central Florida as Mike and I did. I really, really miss being here on days like this. It was absolutely beautiful outside. The sky was blue, it was in the mid-70s and the wind was blowing slightly. Don't get me wrong, I love Virginia ... we live in such a beautiful area, and it's as different from Winter Haven as possible. But, we have family here and being here reminds me just how much I love and miss it.

Isn't the sky beautiful? I tried cropping this image to remove my arm out of it, however it distorted the image too much ... so I left it as it is.

Griffin running through the tall grass behind Bett (Grandma) and Joe's (Grandpa) house picking wild flowers (weeds)

Uh Oh ... he discovered the moss in the trees ... that's something else I miss ... MOSS ... can you even believe that? It such a southern thing.

Growing up I was never allowed to touch moss. My Dad always said it was covered with red ants. Bett assured me it was fine he was touching and playing with it.


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    cute pics!

    Have you and your husband considered moving back to Florida? It seems to make you happy being there and saddens you to think of not being with family?

  2. What a beautiful blue sky and what a beautiful child!!! It really is pretty here in Florida but I always love the pictures you have on your blog of your equally pretty place in Virginia. There's beauty everyplace if we just look for it. How wonderful for Griffin that you see it in simple things like moss and wildflowers. He'll always see it as well and pass that appreciation to his children.

  3. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Griffin is so sweet and will learn to appreciate all the special things in life...thanks to his Mom and Dad.

    I understand how you feel I think Missy. I was a Navy wife for 27 years. We lived in so many wonderful places, places that I grew to love, but home will always be where your heart is. At least that is how it was for me. I hope you can enjoy VA and hope that it is good to you. (We lived in Norfolk/Va Beach for 8 years)

    Oh! About the link...I would be honored if you added a link to my blog. I just so enjoy your blog. You are a special lady.

    Have a great week!

  4. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Hey Hon,
    Griffin looks like he's having a ball in Florida!! Just remember, if he's raised in VA he'll love it like "home" just like you do FL but he'll have great memories of visiting his family in FL. Those trips will be special ones. :)

  5. I'm so glad you got to enjoy your time in Florida. You really do live in a beautiful place, but it's always nice to go home too. Great pictures Missy!

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    See being from AZ where we really don't have "seasons" I would love to be somewhere like VA. . We just have hot, hotter and holy moly it is HOTT! LOL I see your pics of VA. and it looks breathtaking to me. Feel free to send us any extra snow you may have. LOL
