Monday, November 27, 2006


I'm the first to admit it ... I LOVE COMMENTS!! Alot of people visit my blog each day, yet only a few of my dear blogger friends leave comments!! I would love, love, triple love for my frequent visitors to leave a comment. It will put a big smile on my face if you do ... I promise I don't bite! I have to admit, I am DYING to know who visits from Los Angelos, CA!


  1. Okay, inquiring minds want to can you tell someone visited your blog from California? Unless someone leaves a comment, I haven't a clue as to who has even looked at my blog. So if you know some special blog secret...let me in on it please!!! You know I'm not your most computer literate friend...but I can learn.

    Missy, I can easily leave a comment on your blog but some of the blogs...Bonnierose's for instance...I have to send an email to her before it lets me post a comment. I finally stopped commenting on hers because I was afraid she would think I was a stalker!!!

  2. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hmmm...Los Angeles could be me. I am about an hour east of Los Angeles. I ordered from you twice in the past and noticed the link to your blog. Since then, I have become a blog stalker to you and most everyone on your list! I am determined to start my own blog, but since I'm in nursing school I am so swamped (which is incidentally what led me to you...looking for easy scrapbook pieces instead of making my own). I have two weeks of school left and then I will be out for two months. Cassandra

  3. I'm with you....I wish all the people who read my blog regularly would leave comments. I get 180 hits a day. It's so fun to read comments from people...I love it too!

  4. Hi Ya Missy,
    Well you KNOW I read your blog every day. It's in my morning routine. Coffee, turn on puter, check the email, read Cathy, then check your blog! I feel cheated when you don't put something new on each day! lol But I know how busy you are. I have really loved reading each day about your visit to Florida. I've been sooo busy with the new job I have'nt even add any entries to my blog.... but will try to sometime this week. Have a great time on your vacation.

  5. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Hi Missy! I think I am probably the visitor from Los Angeles (or at least one of them) ... I live in Century City which is in the middle of LA. I came across your blog one day on a link from another blog and have been a frequent visitor ever since. I love reading your blog (I usually check it every morning from work) and enjoy the pictures of your beautiful family. Keep up the great blog and I promise that I will leave more comments :)
    Stacie in Los Angeles

  6. All Right, You know I visit all of the time... I have to get my Blog reading in several times a day.... You never know when people update... LOL....... T
