Thursday, September 09, 2010

You Have WHAT In Your Nose?!?

This adorable little guy gave me a pretty big scare last night ...

At bedtime Griffin started sneezing and I asked him if he was okay. He said "No Mommy I have a rock in my nose". I thought he might have a build up in his nose and might need to blow it to release what he was calling "the rock" in his nose. I went to get him a kleenex and some medicine and he came running in the kitchen and once again said "Mommy I have a rock in my nose". I said do you really have a rock in your nose? He said yes.

I looked in his nose and didn't see anything. He was being pretty persistent about it so I got my handy dandy flashlight out and looked inside his nose. At first I didn't see anything but I had him put his head way back and looked. Sure enough there was something in his nose. I freaked out. I truly did not know what to do.

Of course one of my first questions was how on earth did you get a rock in your nose? It was on my shoe Mommy and I took it off and put it in my nose.

When did you put it in your nose? When I was in the classroom.

Did you tell your teacher you put a rock in your nose? Yes, I told Mrs (no name) and she said "OH".

So ... I was thinking we were going to have to have it surgerically removed. Then, I started thinking a bit more rationally. How are we going to get this rock out of his nose.

I told him I was going to hold the other side of his nostril closed and I needed him to blow his nose as hard as he could. It worked! Rock came out.

I took this picture of him holding the rock up to his nose this afternoon. The chocolate on his lips is from the ice cream sandwich he had just enjoyed.

The rock was between 1/4" and 1/2" big. It's huge! How he got it in his nose I just can't figure out. It's even bigger than MY nostril. I just can't imagine what could have happened over night while he was sleeping if he had not told me.

I've communicated with his teacher at school and we've cleared up the misunderstanding of the situation. He did tell the assistant teacher in his classroom that he had a rock in his nose. He blew his nose and she looked and didn't see anything. She thought it was taken care of because he didn't say anything else. That's all she could have done. I just wish he had been more persistent about saying "No, really I *do* have a rock in my nose".

I'm telling you ... this was one scary situation.

I'm just glad it's over and he's okay.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad he's ok Missy. I figured he had put it in there himself.
    I had something simular happen when my son was about 8. He and a friend found a hearing aid battery on the playground at school. His friend did a "trick" for Bob. He put the hearing aid battery in his ear and made it come out the other side. (of course we know that he didnt' really do it) So my son Bob decided to try it. It went in..but didnt' come out. He didnt' tell me about it until bedtime. I got the flash light out and could see it. I tried to reach it with tweezers..but it was stuck to hard to get a hold of. I called my hubby, he suggested I use a magnet. I did and it worked!!
    I guess it's a right of passage for our sons to stick something in either their nose or ear as I've heard several stories about it over the years. My son would kill me if he knew I told you about this! I was telling him about Griffin's rock tonight at dinner, brought up the hearing aid battery and he get just a wee bit upset! lol
