Thursday, September 02, 2010

All About Me ~ Griffin's Project.

Griffin received his first kindergarten homework assignment ...

The assignment is called "All About Me". His teacher sent home a sweet ME cutout and he was to add things that he enjoyes.

So we looked at pictures and thought of things he likes and I printed them out for him.

He then took his scissors and cut out the pictures and placed them around the ME page. He kind of went a little overboard with the pictures ... but that's okay.

He is so proud of his homework project ... he took it into school this morning.

Here's a better look at some of his current favorite things ... airplanes, cupcakes, popsicles, Legos, Transformers, Star Wars, apples, the color orange, playing t-ball, playing soccer, swinging , riding in the buggy with daddy, John Deere combines, doing art projects and his absolutely favorite thing? Orca whales!

It was so much fun watching him express himself ...


  1. WOW! That's awesome! Now I really need to give ours a little more POP!
    I was tempted to re-use the 2 he did already in preschool ;-)

  2. What a great project for the kids to do at the start of the year. Gives everyone a chance to break the ice by seeing what everyone else likes. Great job Griffin!!!!

  3. His first "paper piecing"? lol
    Actually, I think he did that already, I seem to remember something he did that I thought the same thing about? lol
    He did a great job!

  4. Very Cute! I love helping the kids with projects. I know he was so proud!
