Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Two Sammidges.

Last night I made a gourmet dinner of sloppy joes and tater tots. (Ha!)

Griffin LOVES sloppy joes and devoured his dinner with no urging from us. Normally we have to keep after him to finish up. Especially when there is green vegetables involved.

But not with the sloppy joes.

In fact he asked for a second sammidge last night. That's what he calls any sandwich. It could be a cheeseburger, ham & cheese or sloppy joe. If there is meat and bread involved, it's a sammidge to him. I love that because that's what my Daddy called sandwiches too ... a sammidge.

Here you can see the final MESSY results of his eating two very SLOPPY sloppy joes last night. He's normally not a messy eater ... but he sure was last night.

Gosh ... I love this guy!


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    well it was sloppy joes!!!!

    jen from pa

  2. He is so cute Missy!! I lov your blog. I think I would blog every day id I had someone like him to blog about. Happy Wednesday!

  3. mmmmmm sloppy joes. That's what we had the other night. Yummy! I think I looked just like Griffin when I got finished, lol.

  4. lol...cute! I guess the point of eating Sloppy Joes is to get sloppy. That is funny that ya'll say "sammidges" because we say "samiTches"...tomAto...tomOto :o)

  5. Wow, he is getting so big Missy!!! What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!
