Thursday, January 07, 2010

M & M

Yesterday I had the pleasure of having brunch with one of my dearest friends ...

I love when Melinda and I can get together. She's the "Real Deal". You know, one of those people who will be your friend for life. With Melinda, what you see is what you get.

I consider myself lucky to have her in my life.

She's been there for me on so many occasions ... one time in particular stands out in my mind. I was pregnant with Griffin and she was going to the doctor with me. Mike normally went but he was away on a business trip. Because of my age, my pregnancy was considered a high risk pregnancy.

This particular doctor's visit was to the specialist. When I arrived the specialist encouraged me to have an amniosantesis. Everything I had read about having an amnio was negative. I wasn't prepared for this.

I was so scared.

I called Mike on the telephone and we decided together to go ahead with it. My dear, sweet friend Melinda sat right there with me and held my held and got me through it. It's something I will never, ever forget.

And another time when we had to make the decision to put our dear sweet dog Wyatt down. This was one of the hardest times for both Mike and me. Griffin stayed with her when we went to the vet. That night she made us a full course meal and brought it to us. That was so very unexpected ... and just so very much how she is.

She knew we were hurting and wanted to do something to help us through.

I'm so lucky to have her as my friend.

I count her as a blessing in my life everyday.


  1. Friends make life your Life Special!

  2. How great to have a friend like that. True friends are the ones that are there for you during those hard times.

  3. Friends like that are few and far between. You are a very lucky girl. And so is Melinda because you are such a special friend too.

  4. Friends are such a blessing:)
    And you are so worthy:)
