Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Visit To The Beach ... Clearwater!

I know ... I know ... I just showed snow pictures and now I'm sharing beach pictures. But, I really want to share some of the fun we had while on our vacation in Florida during Thanksgiving.

Growing up we always went to Clearwater Beach. It's my favorite beach ... so clean ... so pretty ... and family friendly.

Griffin has been asking to go to the ocean for a few months now. So, we knew we would be going to the beach on this trip and decided Clearwater Beach would be our destination. It's just a little over an hour from my mother-in-law's house.

This is the first time he's been to a beach in Florida. When he was a little over a year old we took him to Virginia Beach ... but honestly ya'll ... that's just NOT the same as visiting the beach in Florida.

Here we are ... at the beach. Yeah, yeah ... that's me in a bathing suit ... not a pretty sight for sure ... but I wanted a picture of all of us enjoying the sunshine and the FRIGID water!

How cool is this ... of course Griffin LOVED seeing the John Deere tractor on the beach.

See how far Mike is out in the water? Ankle deep, right? The water was FREEZING cold! It was in the 70's outside ... but the ocean water was like ICE water! It didn't bother Griffin one bit. He got in and splashed, splashed, splashed around.

We were in the Gulf of Mexico ... the "warmer" coast. I can't even imagine how cold the Atlantic Ocean would be.

He's such a boy ... playing with his tractors in the sand.

Covered in the most wonderful sand in the world. The beach sand in Clearwater is very fine and it feels so good to your feet ... and in Griffin's case his entire body.

We were lucky enough to see about a dozen dolphins swimming and feeding right near us in the breakers. Look just beyond Griffin and you will see them.

What an honest to goodness WONDERFUL visit ...

Can't wait to go back when it's warmer!

On the next two posts I'm sharing a couple of short videos if you would like to view them.


  1. Clearwater is my favorite beach. We NEVER get to see dolphins when we go. I did get to swim with the manta rays( or devil rays or whatever rays) one time. It was pretty cool and no one got stung by a barb. It's been 2 years since we've been there. Jerome just doesn't like going.

  2. We used to go to Clearwater so often when we lived in Tampa...such a great beach.
    I enjoyed seeing all your photos Missy!
    Griffin is growing up sp fast!

  3. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Missy! Stop insulting yourself. You look beautiful to us and your family adores you. =) Glad you had fun and got some ocean time, I love Florida! Hugs!! Tricia

  4. What a great time you had!!!

    I love the picture of the 3 of you on the beach!

    So glad you got to take a break from it all!
