Wednesday, December 09, 2009

One Of Those Moments.

When dropping Griffin off for school this morning I witnessed "one of those moments" that brought happiness and joy to my heart.

When dropping the kids off for preschool we drive around a circle and the director gets the kids out of the cars. I noticed Emma waiting on the walkway for Samantha to get out of her car just ahead of us. After Samantha got out of her car, she walked over to Emma and held her hand. I expected them to walk on in to school.

But they waited. They waited for Griffin to get out of our car. He then walked over to them and Samantha took his hand and they all walked in together.

This was one of those sweet moments I want to remember forever.

They have no idea Griffin was having a bit of a rough morning. Telling me he didn't want to go to school. He was tired he said and he needed to take a rest. I assured him he could take a rest after enjoying a wonderful day at school. I told him he would have a great day with his teachers and friends.

God took care of my little boy this morning in the way of two sweet little girls taking his hand and leading him into the school. Showing him two friends cared about him and wanted him to be with them.

The Lord does work in mysterious ways.

I do believe that.


  1. How wonderful. That little story just made my day.

  2. Awe...that was really sweet. Now he will know that Mama is always right :o) I hope he continues to have a great day at school.

  3. AWWWWW What a sweet story, thanks for sharing. Somedays we all just need a hand to hold.

  4. What a remarkable moment to treasure:)Thats why kids are so special:)
