Thursday, August 27, 2009

School Open House.

We went to Griffin's school open house yesterday afternoon.

He enjoyed seeing his teachers and visiting his new classroom.

They have a new piece of playground equipment ... and it couldn't be more perfect.

It's an airplane ... and those of you who know Griffin knows how much he LOVES airplanes!

Griffin and friends taking the airplane for the first "spin".

It also functions as a teeter totter ...

He loves going to school ... he's looking forward to the first day in only two weeks!


  1. That is a cute piece of outdoor equipment. I am sure Griffin could care less about the other stuff now!

  2. How fun school is so much fun for them when they are little.

  3. So cute, school starting again already, don't be gettin weepy on us! lol

  4. Is it already time for Griffin to start school?? time is just pasting toooo fast fro my liking:)
