Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect.

This summer Griffin has been practicing writing his name.

His teachers have told us it's a very hard name to write. Apparently the letters G and lower case f are fairly hard to write for little ones.

Our friend Kristen made this laminated practice sheet he can trace again and again on with dry erasable markers.

We try to practice everyday ... and he's really coming along.

I can hardly believe our son is old enough to write his name!


  1. What a great idea to help someone learn to write. He looks like he's doing a great job at it. Keep it up Griffin, you'll be the best in the class.

  2. Awesome work G!!!!Keep on practicing it only gets better:)

  3. My youngest,Stephanie, had a hard time with her name was to long. She tried to use Steph, which is what we called her anyway, but the teachers wouldn't let her.
    Come to think of it...I was never forced to write my full name (Suzanne) and to this day it feels funny when I have to write it for something legal.
    G looks like he's getting the hang of it. Pretty soon he will be blogging!
