Monday, August 17, 2009

Fassolakia ~ Green Beans & Tomatos

Saturday night on the menu was an oven baked pork tenderloin and sweet potatos. I knew I was going to make some sort of green beans but really wasn't sure how I wanted to cook them.

I walked out to our little garden to see what was ready and there were three tomatos and a green bell pepper ready to pick ...

mmmmmmm ... I wonder ... what can I make with green beans, tomatos and green beans?

I decided to sign online and google a recipe using those ingredients and I came upon a recipe called Fassolakia. It's a greek green bean casserole with tomatos.

So I made it ...

And it was delicious! It was the perfect addition to the pork tenderloin and sweet potatos.

I cut the recipe in half because I only had one bag of frozen green beans ... oh how I wish I had had enough to make the full recipe.

Here's the recipe from if you are interested ...

Fassolakia ~ Green Bean Casserole With Tomato


- 2 pounds fresh or frozen green beans
- 2 cups of tomatos, peeled and finely chopped
- 2 onions, finely chopped
- 1 cup olive oil
- 1 green pepper, thinly sliced
- 1 small bunch of parsley (I didn't use this)
- 2-3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1/4 cup of water
- salt
- fresh ground pepper


Wash the beans, cut off the tips and remove the stringy piece of fiber along the seam. Rinse he beans.

In a soup pot, saute the onions in a little bit of olive oil until they turn translucent. Stire in the garlic and saute a few minutes more. Add all the remaining ingredients and the water. Stir well, reduce heat and simmer covered for 45 to 50 minutes or until the beans are tender. Add more water if needed during cooking.

They are wonderfully delicious.

Let me know if you try them.


  1. That recipe looks good. I'm on a detox for 9 days on this diet and can only have fruits and veggies. So may be able to work that into my meals somehow.

  2. Looks yummmmyyy! Wish I had time to cook meals like that.

  3. You are making me hungry!!
