Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boys & Their Bikes.

As you may know we live waaaaay out in the country. We have no paved roads in our community, they are gravel and even our drive-way is gravel. That makes it hard for bike riding.

We've tried giving Griffin a little bike riding time on our road, however he will pedal twice and hit a rock. It makes for alot of frustration and not a real fun time.

So, we decided to pack up the bicycle and meet friends at our local park. The boys can ride their bicycles on the basketball courts.

Patrick, Griffin and Matthew pedaling away ... having a great time!

Patrick, Darius and Griffin taking a little break from bike riding.

I just love this picture of Griffin. There's just something about he and his shadow with the hill in the background. The lone biker. Gosh I love this boy!

Happy Day ...


  1. Isn't a mother's love an amazing thing? You don't get it until you feel it. Enjoy these years! They go fast.

  2. That is soooo cute Missy! Can you believe summer is almost over already!?

  3. I'm glad Griffin got some riding time. And that last picture with him and his shadow is really neat. Like Debby says, enjoy these times while you can...they grow so fast.

  4. What a great idea. I bet you do that more often.
