Friday, July 10, 2009

Our Visit To Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens.

Griffin and I went to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens with Carol, Hannah and Sam yesterday.

We had such a great time. The weather was perfect, the flowers were beautiful and we enjoyed seeing the Butterflies Live exhibit they are hosting.

This post consists of pictures of our group enjoying the gardens. I'm continuing with a second post about the flowers and finally the third post will be about the butterflies.

Sit back and enjoy our beautiful day ...

Look Mommy ... there's fish! Griffin discovered fish in the pond in the Japanese Garden.

Here we see Griffin and Sam feeding the fish.

Hannah, Griffin and Sam taking a little rest.

Carol and Hannah entering what we called "the secret garden".

In the Children's Garden they had huts and houses with different things the kids could do. Griffin loved playing the drums!

We climbed to the top of the tree house and I caught this cool picture of Griffin enjoying the view.

Our sweet boy butterflies!

They have a water area for the children to enjoy ... we made sure to pack their swimsuits for some water fun ... Griffin called it "the carwash".

Is there anything better than cooling down under the sprinklers on a hot summer day?

Continue reading the next two posts for pictures of the flowers and butterflies!


  1. I know I'm terrible about actually getting out of the house for a planned playdate / activity lately BUT.. next time you want to go there, give me a call. We have a membership that I could get you in for free and we love it there and have only been once so far this year.

  2. What a beautiful place!!

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Hi Missy,
    The purple flower is a passion flower. I can bring you one when we come up. They're all over my yard. The pink one is a bromeliad.
    Bett has a bunch of them under her oak trees. They come in lots of different colors.

