Friday, July 10, 2009

Lewis Ginter: The Flowers

Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens has THE most beautiful gardens I've seen.

I thought I would share a few pictures of some of the pretty flowers we saw.

I'm not sure what this is called ... but it is soooo pretty!! One of our neighbors actually has this plant growing up her mailbox. I wish I knew what it was called ... I would LOVE to have one of them!

The rose garden was HUGE ... here's a few blossoms ... they were so sweet smelling too!

Another plant I do not know the name of ... it was pretty though ... so I had to take a picture.

Okay ... so I know the name of this one ... bird of paradise. Growing up I remember this was one of my Momma's favorite plants. If I remember correctly we had one growing in our yard at one time.

And my favorite flower? The sunflower of course!! They were very tall and very pretty.

Keep reading for a tour of the Butterflies Live exhibit ...

1 comment:

  1. That purple flower is a passion flower or maypop
    They are terribly invasive, although incredibly beautiful. I made the mistake of planting one in my pool garden one year and am still trying to eradicate it. If you have the room, which I think you do, I can give you some to plant and you'll have some forever, everywhere!
